Doesn’t the God who created the sexes know?

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Doesn’t the God who created the sexes know if the persons to whom He gives gifts are male or female? Why would God give spiritual gifts to a woman unless He meant for the gifts to be used?

John Ruffle [08/10/2015 10:30 PM]
It’s more fundamental than this. There is an equality of personhood but a difference of function. Biblically, the man is head of the woman. But men have abused this gift and in so doing, have denied and frustrated the true role of women in the church and in society.

I won’t bang on about this, because it is erksome to have a full blown duscussion that should be face to face by typing on a tiny cell phone screen. I’ll just say that I fundamentally disagree with the old strict Penticostal subjugation of women. Of course women can prophesy. Of course women can speak. But overall “authority” is male and overall “nurturing” is female.

Probably stirred a hornets nest now, sorry!

John Kissinger [08/11/2015 1:31 PM]
Rick Wadholm Jr pointed to this one in connection to iPHC

Rasiah Thomas [08/18/2015 10:52 AM]
Mingling of Spirit with our spirit into God’s is the only real life which is allowed for ever in this universe. However, God has permitted to live in this world with a wife in order to help each other. But not mainly on sex. R. Thomas, Nagercoil, South India.


  • Peter Ciple
    Reply August 10, 2016

    Peter Ciple

    God gives us gifts. Both male and female. Some people are just very jealous of others. So they will spite you the minute you open your mouth. Thanks for the post Troy Day.

  • Varnel Watson
    Reply June 25, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Ricky Grimsley Does got know who will turn homosexual in open theism or is this not possible to know until it actually happens?

  • Ricky Grimsley
    Reply June 25, 2017

    Ricky Grimsley

    He doesnt know from the foundation of the world.

  • Ricky Grimsley
    Reply June 25, 2017

    Ricky Grimsley

    Its completely ridiculous to believe God has always known every detail that would happen from before creation and still believe you have free-will.

    • David Bast
      Reply June 25, 2017

      David Bast

      All knowing not limited by time allows for Him to know all outcomes too. Free will just means He does not make us do anything, but He full well knows what we will do. God only wants us to love Him because we choose to, not by any form of force that is free will working in us!

    • Ricky Grimsley
      Reply June 25, 2017

      Ricky Grimsley

      Again you people miss the point. If you believe that God’s knowledge hasnt changed since before time began, the free-will is an illusion. Think about what you are saying….do you really believe that God knew every face of every person who would go to hell but dis nothing to change it?

  • Louise Cummings
    Reply June 25, 2017

    Louise Cummings

    I can’t remember right off where it is found in the Bible. But it says in Jesus, there is neither male nor female, Jew nor Greek in Jesus. We are all as a vessel for Him to Use. We are one in Christ. And He does know the Difference. But He used women in the Old Testament and the New Testament. He knows the gifts to give them.

  • David Bast
    Reply June 25, 2017

    David Bast

    Would Jesus on earth today eat with homosexuals and love them? Of course He would for he ate with the least that all could come to the knowledge of God’s grace to everyone! Treat your friends and enemies with love RIGHT ??

  • Dan Irving
    Reply June 25, 2017

    Dan Irving

    Yes, history includes accounts of mightily gifted women. But we tend to know only the names of those who breached the rule of scripture and stepped forward into public preaching and teaching. I’m sure there were many we have never heard of who subordinated their gifts to the word of God. Likewise, the same is true for men. We tend to know only those who were found to minister in presumption and were led into deception. We have our own Humanistic reasoning, and then we have the words of Jesus Christ and the teaching of His apostles. The church continually makes the choice of whether to build upon sand or upon stone.

  • Paul Hughes
    Reply June 25, 2017

    Paul Hughes

    Paul wrote in Galatians 3 in the context of eschatology, in which total egalitarianism will come to fruition only at the End, when all things are renewed in Christ. This is demonstrated by the comments Paul made elsewhere regarding gender roles, the position of the slave, and differences between Jews and Gentiles.

    Paul obviously anticipated gifts to operate within gender roles and cultural context. He taught that “the spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophets,” that women were to “keep silent in the church,” and were not to brazenly uncover their heads in public. In short, Paul did not support overthrowing all cultural norms, or that which is according to nature, in the name of spiritual liberty.

    Nevertheless, the argument can be made that since gender roles have changed, spiritual freedom has expanded concomitantly. The “according to nature” part remains a sticking point not so easy to ignore, however, since gender traits themselves cannot be changed.

  • Varnel Watson
    Reply June 26, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    So Ricky Grimsley God did not know that this person born a male will decide to be a female?

  • Ricky Grimsley
    Reply June 26, 2017

    Ricky Grimsley

    If you believe that God knew a male person would decide to be female from before he created the world….sounds like it is his fault?

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