Cybersecurity is a subject about which I know almost nothing and would certainly never give advice. Yet this is an issue that affects all of us—in our communications, finances, and now, especially, ministries. So, along with many other people, I am dependent upon the expertise, advice, and assistance of those who really live within this […]
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Varnel Watson
Jeffry Woolston instead of praying for safety the church is playing it safe and not doing much Shouldnt the church make sure these migrants are allowed to proper asylum rules like anyone else? Whats your take on this Larry Dale Steele ? the church responded and is getting arrested
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi Larry Dale Steele lots of churchmen for their own peace of mind use the Samaritan example NEVER MIND such interpretation is NOT even Biblical
1. the Samaritan was a traveler – taking a man all the way home could have killed him with the journey
2. his land was seen by both the inn keeper and the injured man as UNCLEAN – so to take them there would have equate their status from citizens to strangers – exactly the opposite point to our migrant dilemma
3. the migrants dont want to go to Jan’s home just like they are currently NOT living in Gerardo’s home. They want asylum – healing from persecution which we can offer yet we dont do good when we know how to do it
Larry Dale Steele
Troy Day I agree with you I think we should help them and I see that some of the church is helping and getting arrested and I also see just as the story of the Good Samaritan the priest and the Levite totally walked in the other side to avoid this man.ive heard so many Christians say so many bad things about the caravan I just wonder if they even realize who Christ is
Varnel Watson
Many have been troubled by the Islam presence in the video and rightfully so Joe Absher I think Muslim invasion is attacked the USA from both North and South today
It is why WE NEED the asylum process to work and sort through migrants and extremist elements who maybe hiding among them
Joe Absher
Today I did something unseemly. A called the pastors out “I have a word for you for 2019” I grabbed them by the shoulders and shook them. “STRATEGIC, STRATEGIC, STRATEGIC” I was a little embarrassed I must admit. But it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.
I tell you the truth your arguments mean nothing to them. Your charity means nothing to them. The only thing that sets the christian apart is Jesus Christ and him crucified and for sinners slain. Raised again for the justification of them that believe. You must preach the gospel as though the souls of men are dead and doomed and under a curse apart from it.
Varnel Watson
to get to the goal one’s strategy often hurts others
Joe Absher
Unfortunately God’s army still hasn’t figured out who their friends are. Or their enemies
Varnel Watson
A very different Christmas…in the Streets of San Francisco
Church should be praying…
Varnel Watson
A very different Christmas…@ our Southern border
Varnel Watson
A very different poormens Christmas…
Varnel Watson
WHY border?
WHY poverty
why NOT the love of God ?
Varnel Watson
The One who cannot be contained in Solomon’s temple (much less the expanding universe) is contained in the womb of a Middle Eastern teenager {migrant} (resonating Kenneth Tanner).
Kenneth Tanner
No argument from me.
Varnel Watson
– middle eastern
– illegal by Herod’s executive order
– no border wall
– wanted by border patrol
– political asylums persecuted by the government
– dead sentence on the infant CHILD
The world we live in…
Larry Dale Steele
Troy Day absolute truth
Varnel Watson
IF the absolute truth run to America instead of Egypt he would have still be with the border caravan
Larry Dale Steele
I believe God is Raising a people in Egypt
Varnel Watson
Rev 3:20 Jesus speaks to the last days church
BEHOLD I stand at the {border} gate and knock
whosoever opens… I will dine
studying about this good ol way
and WHO shall wear a robe and a crown?
Varnel Watson
a different type of caravan held at the border
Larry Dale Steele
I’m convinced that John 5:39 is still going on as we speak
Varnel Watson
same goes for John 14:9 as well
Larry Dale Steele
yes sad but true
Varnel Watson
Economy > Poverty > Population under $1 a day: Countries Compared
3 Central African RepublicCentral Africa 2000
4 Zambia 2000
5 Niger 2000
6 Burkina Faso 2000
Joe Absher still telling my story
Joe Absher
Tell it to the best of your ability.
Only Jesus Christ can reach into the heart and soul of a man and pull out that pain and roll off the burden of sin and guilt. And make him new and clean. Beyond borders and beyond measure. Grace.
Varnel Watson
JESUS placed ppl @ the borders of LIFE just for US