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The cops got me.
I was downtown preaching Psalm 1 this morning.
Disorderly conduct. Louder than 50′ lol
They cuffed me and put me in the back of the squad car. But couldn’t find a complainant. Then they were very nice and they apologized…
But before they uncuffed me I told them I’m not going to stop if you want to pursue charges go ahead now. But I’ll be preaching all over this city. Then I prayed for their safely and wisdom.
The cuffs only hurt for a little while. But it did hurt.
So the battle goes on…
The funny part is I just said in my heart, “Its nice outside, I’m going to preach all day.”

Have fun stay safe and give God the glory in everything!


  • Reply April 21, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    please bring this case before your church for prayer this Sunday

    A street preacher member of this group was cuffed today for preaching the Gospel TOO LOUD

    Perhaps our SIN in America is NOT preaching the Gospel LOUD ENOUGH

    We need to make a MORAL CHOICE in America today

    To speak about a foreign pastor with billion dollars and Rolls OR to speak on behalf of Christian preachers getting arrested in America TODAY

    To speak about the faith of a president who not long ago was neither saved nor republican OR to STAND FOR the TRUE Christian conservative values this country was built upon

    The TIME to SPEAK is NOW
    IT is TIME to make a moral choice
    before we all loose our place in history

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    I was speaking at a church yesterday in Minneapolis, Minnesota and after the church one of the Pastors and his son took me to the the mall of America, we randomly ran to some Muslims and we began a casual conversation, they asked me where I’m from and I told them, the conversation led to whether I’m a Muslim or not and I said I use to be a Muslim but I converted to Christianity. They asked me why? What happened? Why did you change? I told them after I heard that Jesus died for me and rose again, I gave my heart to Him. And I was giving them my testimony. Another Muslim lady who was hearing us went and told the security that “I’m harassing them”, they security came and arrested me, filed a report and the police came and took me to jail, I was charged with “illegal soliciting” and “criminal trespassing”. I need to appear in court sometime soon. wouldn’t imagine something like this would happen in America. ”

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Robert Erwine

    Im in Milwaukee, don’t be disturbing the peace, there is designed areas for that.

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Rick Warner

      GEES LOUISE….how is preaching disturbing the peace……God told us toShout it from the mountain tops…i guess u want him to speak softly from a street corner…….

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      some of us need sleep and don’t need someone with a bullhorn spouting off nonsense no one can understand anyhow .

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Robert Erwine ever hear about becoming all things to all people so you might win some or have you tried it?

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      sure , but you don’t have to obnoxious and do more harm in turning people away from the gospel . you should know how people work and respond . you don’t get up in their face shouting , you don’t get loud . the power of the Holy Ghost is a peaceful gental wind , not a gale fore wind destroying everything in its path .

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Robert Erwine – did the tumbling down of the jericho walls disturb the peace and sleep. Stop your excuses.

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      if you saw someone standing on any corner of wisconsin ave . making declarations , would you stop and give this person a listen ? no and if you lived on this residential and business street , you probably would call the cops , no one would care what you have to say , be it a religious idea of Islam , Christianity or 9-11 truth ect . the main street is not hyde park

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Rick Warner

      Robert Erwine SIR with all respect…if the “disturbing of the peace of Spreading God’s word, saves one person…..its worth the charge of Disturbing the Peace…

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      once again its not about preaching the gospel its about delivery , you are not going to win anyone with shouting and making a scene.

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Rick Warner

      Robert Erwine lots of people has been saved by street preaching…so are u saying their salvation is nullled and void?

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      its like trying to cchange someones mind on facebook , come on , you know how American 21st century culture works , this isn’t the days of john edwards .

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Rick Warner

      Robert Erwine SIR all i can say….on that day of your Face to Face meeting with Jesus, for him to decision of your entrance into Heaven, NONE OF US will be holding your hand or in the back of you…gesturing to Jesus that ur ok……

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Joe Absher

      Ever been to the riverside theater. They had some good venues last year. Snoop dog was sold. Judas priest was a bunch of old heads.

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Robert Erwine – Actually David Brainerd would be the more accurate comparison. I have seen many souls won on the street. My take is that you have not, because you have not tried and feel safe sitting behind a computer spewing your thoughts in a vain attempt to seem clever.

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      I am out witnessesing everday . You are not here and know not a thing what you are talking about when it comes to my ministry

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      Speaking of fear, you can’t even show your face online . So there is that tim .

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Robert Erwine stick to the subject and don’t change topics in hopes that we no longer discuss your error. Good try though.

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      My error?

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Robert Erwine Don’t you mean which error?

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      You dont live here so you can’t say anything .

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Robert Erwine – Robert our topic was beyond your town. Stop dragging in the herring and actually reply to the topic. Goodbye.

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Tim Dalton

    I usually tried to use humor whenever I was arrested for preaching. The Lord usually had christian cops so they were cool with me. One cop lied (he later lost his job) and said I punched out the owner of a transgender movie house. The cops who came for me were saved and very nervous. They forgot that I couldn’t get out f a locked cop car. I loosened them up when they patted me down by saying “you just didn’t transfer from SF, did ya” Anyway, I had it thrown out of court, but I got a chance to witness on the local radio station. This experience helped me change occupations in hopes of helping those wrongly jailed for the gospel.

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Tim Dalton

    Robert Erwine, I am trying to be kind here. I am so tired of the computer condemning crusaders who are reduced to reliance upon their recently attained education and lack of personal experience with God. Were you there to know if God did or did not tell the brother to do that. Would you tell God that He was was out of place by the method He choose. I know Gd’s ways are not always our way. You sir have no clue and perhaps should be praying that the Brother, if in God’s will, will be even bolder in sharing God’s word to the sinner. I see very few others doing it.

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Tim Dalton

    And the LORD said to Joshua, “See, I have given Jericho into your hand, with its king and mighty men of valor. Joshua 6:2

    Principals of victory to pull down the strongholds in this world and your life.

    1. God spoke in past tense. He has done it. he has given us the victory.

    2. Follow God’s instruction even when we don’t understand them. Go ye into all the word and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15

    This may seem strange as we want to speak of evil, but speak the good news as God told us.

    3. Give a great shout of victory. Stop whining about all the troubles and that we are just barely going to make if God doesn’t hurry and rapture us. The walls were still up in Jericho, but the people believed that God was in control.

    We can still trust God’s word. Praise Him that the victory is His realm and not the false tactics of the Devil. God doesn’t want you to walk in defeat either. You are not to be mastered by your flesh and the strong-holds of the flesh life. Go to Him and as usual He will always bring the walls down.

    But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Tim Dalton

    Robert Erwine- you might sell a lot of fantasy at your comic book store, but here we deal with the reality of what Jesus said in the bible.

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Joe Absher

    The Riverside theater. It’s the on Wisconsin Ave. One of the main street of Milwaukee. They had some good venues last year. Snoop dog was sold out. 2,500 lambs. A great crowd. the Judas Priest “show” was a hostile crowd…
    As to coming against the public proclamation of God’s word it’s just wrong. Are you more spiritual than Jesus. Smarter too maybe? He said go preach
    “And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day.
    And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”
    – Luke 24:46,47

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Robert Erwine wasnt MLWK where they stopped gay conversion through preaching with a city ordinance ?

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Joe Absher

    It’s now a city ticket for “conversion therapy” but only at the professional level I heard. Meant living rooms and kitchens are still the best place for discipleship

  • Reply February 10, 2019


    Bushwacker: that person or man that accosts you in the public square and confronts your behavior, challenges your beliefs and charges the sleeper with dereliction of duty.

    or a street preacher for you civilians…

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Robert Erwine

    Milwaukee is my town and I know its people.

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    yes Robert you are the ONLY One from there 🙂

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Robert Erwine

    It feels like it. In a city where you would be hard pressed for 10 righteous men.

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Joe Absher

      Didn’t you say you were a pastor?

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      Joe Absher yes

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Joe Absher

      And you don’t know ten men calling on Christ to save them? Washed in the blood of the Lamb and filled with the Holy Ghost. What exactly are you preaching?

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      Joe Absher you know what I mean

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Joe Absher

      Not really

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Joe Absher

      Do you preach righteousness by faith in Jesus Christ

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      Joe Absher Yes I preach Jesus and him crucify’d

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Joe Absher

      Robert Erwine
      How do you preach repentance. Jesus did say, “that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name..”
      it’s not comfortable subject, can help me?

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Robert Erwine so a feller shouldnt preach in your town lest he gets arrested?

  • Reply October 23, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    yeah I figured this is the post Joe Absher it was when Robert Erwine pulled some liberal stuff that no need of loud preaching was needed when John the baptist did it didnt count AND turns ppl away or something Never mind we were talking about arresting street preachers in the US and abroad as Jesse Morrell stated then

    If they threaten you with arrest, you can walk away and then file a free speech lawsuit.

    If you get arrested, you have to wait for the charges to be dealt with before you can pursue a case

    BUT my point was different this week I heard another preacher actual pastoring and acting as pastor dude state we need to change this because for 100% the church was wrong to preach loud and see how we turned off the millenial generation Nevermind Erwin dont even watch Star wars and all that other stuff

    • Reply October 23, 2019

      Robert Erwine

      Troy Day stay out of my city or Milwaukee’s finest will be the least of your problems

    • Reply October 24, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Joe Absher as I was saying This is the post and the reaction that followed it The liberal element in the church does NOT like public preaching and mass evangelism

    • Reply October 24, 2019

      Joe Absher

      You probably don’t even live in Milwaukee.
      I’m guessing you live in West Allis 🙂

    • Reply October 25, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Joe Absher nope – not even close

  • Reply October 24, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Robert Erwine care to explain your comment?

    Joe Absher, he doesn’t.

    • Reply October 24, 2019

      Joe Absher

      Milwaukee is cold to the gospel and sectarian. I think you know some of the opposition. Hard city to preach but the Lord is mighty to save and the souls are precious to him.

    • Reply October 24, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Joe Absher when some of us preached MLWK Detroit Chicago Beloit and Madison some participants in this discussion were not even born yet

    • Reply October 25, 2019

      Joe Absher


    • Reply October 25, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Joe Absher mhm and really scared from the scary dude attacking an old man on FB uaahaaa #scary

    • Reply October 25, 2019

      Joe Absher

      …nothing to fear but fear itself?

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