CoG (Holiness Movement) founded on OSAS

CoG (Holiness Movement) founded on OSAS

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The CoG (Holiness Movement) was founded initially on a OSAS definition of regeneration carried forth from the Baptist churches of Tellico Plains. It soon mingled with Methodism and the holiness move throughout the country.
It soon lost it’s OSAS view and moved to a second work of sanctification and maintained a distinctive dual work in salvation: new birth and sanctification.
A person could be born again and yet not be sanctified. A person born again might prevail in prayer for weeks, months, years or never attain sanctification.
My belief is the new birth is a work from above according to the will of the Father and can’t be forfeited while sanctification is a cooperative work of the new born seeking his sanctification.
Sanctification can be resisted and denied. Once sanctified does not guarantee one to be eternally sanctified.

“As someone who knows Pentecostal history better than most. There is a reason the A/G is more than 9 times the size of the COG. The COG’s biggest Hurdle is its governmental structure. You want to say the COG started small. I will give you that but the COG started in 1886 where the A/G formed in 1914 that gave the COG a 28 yr head start. The biggest issue the COG has faced and this has been going on since Tomlinson is centralized government. The A/G was free to Grow and Partner with other churches. Where on the other hand the COG definition of partnership and coming in was total surrender of your local church polity. The COG could only move as fast as its government could keep up.”


  • Reply December 2, 2023


    Dale M. Coulter Neil Steven Lawrence Philip Williams Tony Richie Tony Edwards

  • Reply December 2, 2023


    when they were the Christian Union, but even then they were not united on that doctrine. Didn’t things change when they became the Holiness Church. I am looking forward to the CoG folks going deeper. I Wonder what they believe today as often the written doctrines just mean they have words written.

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      John Mushenhouse how do you mean this one just here and now?

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Troy Day what do those folks honestly believe (the ones you mentioned). I doubt if any would be truthful enough to admit in public that they don’t adhere to the traditional beliefs of the CoG.

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      John Mushenhouse was just wondering if Link Hudson knows well OSAS having mixed baptist + cog roots as he has probably never claimed

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Troy Day I have a lot of Baptist kin, so I went to Baptist weddings and funerals (which usually have just one or two preachers talking and no eulogy). I went to one VBS, but heard about OSAS from discussions from Baptists.

      Durham was a Baptist and was a Baptist and finally someone spoke up about this odd concept of the Holiness movement that sanctification is a one-time event after salvation. Azusa was teaching three distinct steps.

      There gad to be Pentecostals there who could see there was no scripture to back that up– and maybe they breathed a sigh of relief when Durham came to town and addressed that topic.

      Most of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movement now do not teach that you have to pray for months and months to get some sanctification one-off experience after you are a Christian. The A/g is one of those groups. There may be some old-timers who think that way in the COG, IPHC, CH, etc, but it is a historical teaching of these denominations (though relatively new teaching if we look at a broader view of history).

      God’s grace is at work in the veliever from when he starts out as a new creature in Christ Jesus and it is God Who works in us to will and to do according to His good pleasure.

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Link Hudson so you are a non-sanctified charismatic or baptist? What does it matter if Most of Charismatic movement now do not teach that you have to pray for months and months ???

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      John Mushenhouse I know CoGoP and TCoG were not OSAS and there there was suggested reading of a book by Jim Elliot “Once Saved, Always Saved (after a faithful course). I know what the doctrine and policy was, but I’m out of the loop as to whats accepted now. Larry Duncan?

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Jeffrey Snyder they were ALL OSAS when they started
      Of course Wesleyan holiness changed this for us all

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Troy Day I believe that was one of the reasons why RG Sperling left the Baptism tradition

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Jeffrey Snyder you can believe satan is Santa if you want

  • Reply December 2, 2023


    Has anybody read Wade Phillip’s “Quest to restore God’s house” about the beginnings od the CoG.

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      John Mushenhouse which part exactly ?
      Many here read it with Charles Page and Ed Dantes when it came out
      Which part about beginnings is of interest because
      most of it is about the end 🙂

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Troy Day start at the befinning.

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      John Mushenhouse that is the best part in my opinion
      I learned however from an AG professor who spoke to Roebuck
      THAT after him and Phillips took most documents from Reliance THEN some old lady clerk died and left to the museum original Baptist churches records, member transfer, excommunication meetings and so on. None of them had seen it while writing books – lots had to be re-considered … LIKE the original millstone was still in Reliance NOT in Cleveland; one of the moonshine still too – SO again Which part about beginnings is of interest exactly? page?

  • Reply December 2, 2023


    OSAS? Did Old Timey COG Folks believe in Once SANCTIFIED Always Sanctified?

    If you can lose sanctification, how is that much different from the A/G view?

    I don’t know of a COG preacher ever believing in once sanctified always sanctified.

    The AG view is a subtraction of the word “subsequent” in the order of regeneration and sanctification. The problem for AG is similar to the problem the OSAS people have with the salvific order. Instead of loosing one’s salvation the explanation is they were never saved in the first place.

    In the COG sanctification is separate from the new birth and is an experience subsequent from the new birth. It was rare to hear a COG preacher say that if you lost your sanctification you were not a Christian.

    Btw, if someone speaks in tongues, heals the sick, etc., and then sins, would you say he was never baptized with the Holy Ghost to begin with?

    Was the individual in Hebrews 10:29 sanctified?

    Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was SANCTIFIED, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

  • Reply December 2, 2023


    Was the individual in Hebrews 10:29 sanctified?

    Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was SANCTIFIED, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Troy Day sanctification has to do with being set apart for holy use, and is not a guarantee of salvation.

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Link Hudson how would you know this?
      have you ever been entirely sanctified?

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Troy Day have you? Why don’t you tell me what you believe that means?

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Link Hudson you starting to sound like this OSLO specialist here WHO claims first Pentecostals were ALL cessationists. This is simply a historical fact. he stated and takes it from Synans book – hahahah

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Troy Day Did being sanctified as a priest in the Old Testament, or as a Nazarite guarantee eternal salvation?

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Link Hudson if you knew anything about classical Pentecostalism or even a bit about Wesleyan holiness OR even if you just knew what cog believes you would know that sanctification is AFTER salvation – Wesley even calls it 2nd work of grace which makes your question pretty simple Nevertheless your equation of OT priesthood with NT salvation is not even protestant. But maybe John Mushenhouse can explain all these to you – I simply do not know how to explain theology without the BIBLE in which you appear to no longer believe after your GBU/ORU relig. exper.

    • Reply December 3, 2023


      Troy Day I couldn’t understand that thick KJV. 

  • Reply December 2, 2023


    From what I’ve understood John Mushenhouse Link Hudson Neil Steven Lawrence
    CoG says that you can loose your salvation if you don’t live right.

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Troy Day who knows what they believe anymore. Do they even talk doctrine.

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      well John Mushenhouse ONE thing is for sure and I’ve been telling it to Link Hudson ONE RESPONSE TO “YOU CAN’T GET MORE SANCTIFIED – YOU CAN LOOSE (FORFEIT) your salvation BUT YOU CAN’T GET MORE SANCTIFIED…

    • Reply December 2, 2023


      Troy Day I don’t know if I’ve ever said, “you can’t get more sanctified.” I don’t agree with that idea. The holy place was sanctified, but the Holy of Holies was more sanctified.

      Priest were to be sanctified, but I suppose a priest could have gotten sanctified by becoming a Nazarite for a time.

      But equating ‘sanctified’ with ‘not sinning’ is problematic. That is not what it means in the Old Testament. Sin could be a means of defilement.

  • Reply December 5, 2023


    many in cog Neil Steven Lawrence Tony Edwards Tony Richie Dale M. Coulter John Mushenhouse of course do not believe none of this anylonger

    • Reply December 5, 2023


      Troy Day what don’t I believe?

    • Reply December 5, 2023


      John Mushenhouse ENTIRE sanctification – instant or not instant

    • Reply December 5, 2023


      I understand both views and I am always studying it further. Wesley said he believes it, but he just hadn’t met anyone who is.

    • Reply December 5, 2023


      John Mushenhouse from what I am reading the adherence is STILL on entire sanctification and they are obligated to adhere by it (for now)

    • Reply December 5, 2023


      Troy Day I can’t say if I ever read one Church f God member who can explain sanctification. They say following rules or a one time action after salvation. I have not read any explanation of heart holiness. christian perfection as taught by Wesley and the early Methodists. Some will say sinless perfection, but we both know that isn’t sanctification. I have heard few methodists or Nazarenes as well. With the CoG all they cared about was showing they talked in tongues and others did not. Few have actually studied sanctification. Perhaps French Arrington among those still alive.

    • Reply December 5, 2023


      John Mushenhouse read or met? perfection as taught by Wesley

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