Beware of political prophesies in the 2016 elections

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In 1973, Wilkerson spoke at a large inter-denominational charismatic gathering where there were many Catholics. There he issued a strong and lengthy prophecy. It warned of the wrath of God on America, disguised by several years of great prosperity. (He missed the recession of 1974 – or maybe the Holy Spirit did not know it was coming.)  Most importantly, he prophesied that Catholic Bishops and the Pope would clamp down on the Catholic charismatics and force them out of the Catholic Church. They would have to go to Pentecostal churches. This prophecy was published as a paperback book, The Vision (1974) and can still be had at online used book stores. None of the things he prophesied happened…

By Dr. William De Arteaga

The Christian internet is ablaze with many prophetic utterances about the coming election, and just who has God’s anointing for this election. Be careful, prophecy can be confused and distorted by our sub-conscious yearnings or deeply held assumptions.

As a historian let me give a case study of this that happened during the beginning of the Charismatic Revival of the 1970s. It was a prophetic utterance given by David Wilkerson (1931-2011) one of the great figures of that revival. Wilkerson authored the seminal book, the Cross and the Switchblade, which inspired many in the mainline churches to believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit at a time when that was only a “crazy” Pentecostal thing. He went on to found Teen Challenge which did terrific work among addicted inner city kids.

This work is wonderful and still worth reading. It can be gotten HERE

Wilkerson was brought up in a rural Pennsylvania Appalachian town in a fundamentalist and Pentecostal environment. Among other things he learned from his pastors and neighbors was that the Catholic Church was the “hoar of Babylon” of the Bible and the Pope an anti-Christ, etc.

To his surprise, and to many other Pentecostals, the Charismatic Renewal broke out among Episcopalians (1960) who looked and smelled (incense and all) like Catholics, and even believed in many Catholic doctrines, like a “real presence” in Holy Communion. And then (oh no!) the Holy Spirit moved and began a revival among Catholics (1967) and thousands and thousands of Catholics were baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues, etc. Most disconcerting to Wilkerson and many other Pentecostals, they did not leave the Catholic Church, but in fact became more devote Catholics. Something must be wrong somewhere.

In 1973, Wilkerson spoke at a large inter-denominational charismatic gathering where there were many Catholics. There he issued a strong and lengthy prophecy. It warned of the wrath of God on America, disguised by several years of great prosperity. (He missed the recession of 1974 – or maybe the Holy Spirit did not know it was coming.)  Most importantly, he prophesied that Catholic Bishops and the Pope would clamp down on the Catholic charismatics and force them out of the Catholic Church. They would have to go to Pentecostal churches. This prophecy was published as a paperback book, The Vision(1974) and can still be had at online used book stores.

None of the things he prophesied happened. I believe that Ol’Scratch was using him and his authority, via his sub-conscious yearnings, suspicions and assumptions, to sow confusion into growing Catholic charismatic renewal. That renewal in fact had another decade of great growth. Neither the Bishops nor the Pope ever tried to stop it. In fact, several popes strongly affirmed the renewal. The Catholic Charismatic renewal petered out in the U.S after the 1980s for reasons that are unclear, but it is still going strong in the 3rd World, particularly Brazil and Africa.

So now to this moment in America. Be very wary of prophetic utterances that Trump is God’s man and like Cyrus of the Bible will “rebuild the Temple,” etc. We Christians lost the Culture War and have many unfulfilled longings for a righteous and revived America. But that make us all the more susceptible to prophecies that promise a quick reversal of it all.

In my earlier posting I suggested that it is possible for the Holy Spirit to work revival in America under a Clinton administration as under a Trump administration. In the election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson, a Deist, was elected to the horror of orthodox Christians. They thought the terrors of the French Revolution would soon come to America. That did not happen, and in fact the Second Great Awakening flowered under the Jefferson administration without him even knowing about it. See this HERE


So keep praying for America, and the Holy Spirit send us a new revival, regardless of who is elected.


  • Reply November 3, 2016

    Robert Borders

    Generally speaking I find that contemporary prophets almost always miss the mark when it comes to politics. Presidents once in office often have to ward off the prophets due to bizarre proclamations and poor guidance.

  • Reply November 3, 2016

    William DeArteaga

    Thanks for re-posting this.

  • Reply November 3, 2016

    Carl Murphy

    Beware of prophesies period

  • Reply November 3, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Carl and William may be right on this one. With all the love and respect for Wilkerson his political prophecy was doomed. So was one of the last ones in 2009 when called for a world disaster and stocking up food and non perishables for the weeks to come. Jimmy Swaggart’s current TV program sells electric generators for when the grid goes all off. Dont know if Stan Wayne got one, but surely Charles Page got two two camp along with Timothy Carter I do hope David Lewayne Porter approves this message

  • Reply November 3, 2016

    Stan Wayne

    Beware of people who can’t spell “prophecy” but who are expert on it

  • Reply November 3, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    “It’s no longer about being a Republican or a Democrat. It’s about righteousness or unrighteousness, about good or evil, & you have to choose!” Jentezen Franklin – – – Does anyone really believe that in this 2016 elections? David Lewayne Porter David Rollings David M. Hinsen Carl Murphy Jan Dixon Sykes

    • Reply November 3, 2016

      William DeArteaga

      It will test and stretch the American Church in its ability to pray through a difficult situation.

  • Reply November 3, 2016

    Stan Wayne

    Trump is in favor of righteousness Hillary says unrighteousness is righteous – what is wrong with you people

    • Reply November 3, 2016

      Varnel Watson

      hahaha yes Trump = righteousness 🙂 #theNerve sorry Timothy Carter I know you’d say he is taking the spot of Charles Page

    • Reply November 3, 2016

      Peggy Holbrook

      Trump righteousness,,,, not my understanding of righteousness … Devil or false prophet yes ….. but definitely not righteous ….

    • Reply November 3, 2016

      Stan Wayne

      You don’t understand imputed righteousness

  • Reply November 3, 2016

    Carl Murphy

  • Reply November 3, 2016

    Stan Wayne

    Troy you don’t have to succeed at righteousness to be in favor of it – good grief – and you were for Romney and McCain?

  • Reply November 3, 2016

    Ben Wilson

    Wilkerson also prophesied that Russia was going to nuke the US of A “imminently” in 1985.

    I missed it if that happened. . . . . .

    The only thing you can conclude is that Wilkerson must have had a colossal ego to keep giving “prophecies” after he being so spectacularly wrong on so many. . . . . .

  • Reply November 3, 2016

    Stan Wayne

    Exactly – I was a Teen Challenge director showing his prophetic films and when there was a spectacular error about academy awards I called the office in lindale Texas and got him to apologize through his secretary – she was on the line speaking to bothl

  • Reply November 4, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Stan Wayne Carl Murphy Jan Dixon Sykes I guess if your candidate needs the FBI to help him win election, I guess he does 🙂

  • Reply November 4, 2016

    Carl Murphy

    LOL whatever happened to the Lord moves in Mysterious ways? Or does that apply only when the outcome is to your liking? As to the 70 7 and 7 you are worse than an astrology nut

  • Reply November 4, 2016

    Timothy Carter

    What? I don’t have a generator.

  • Reply November 5, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Stan Wayne I think William Hooks works for Teen Challenge but does he know you?

  • Reply November 6, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    • Reply November 6, 2016

      Peter Ciple

      A very evil wicked woman.

    • Reply November 6, 2016

      Peter Ciple


      What people do not know is that money for charity do not all go to those intended for. Have you ever wondered if there have been so much given to charity why does the place look the same as if nothing was ever done to assist those in need? Wouldn’t you see a big difference? What’s going on? Exactly where does the money go? The truth will always come out eventually. The truth prevails. Jesus is the Truth!

      03rd November, 2016
      The Clinton Foundation may be the world’s largest money laundering and influence-peddling operation.

      Exodus 20:15 (KJV)
      Thou shalt not steal.

      LINK: Money Scaming Clinton Foundation

  • Reply November 6, 2016

    Varnel Watson

  • Reply November 6, 2016

    Stan Wayne

    You could not be a Christian and favor Bernie

  • Reply November 6, 2016

    Stan Wayne

    Unless you don’t know what either is

  • Reply November 6, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    How so? Many so called Christian marxists and socialists favor him greatly. Henry Volk asked a valid question – before or after Bernie sold out?

  • Reply November 6, 2016

    Henry Volk

    I guess a lot of people still do. But after he sold out to Hillary, I lost a lot of respect for him.

  • Reply November 7, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    WOW Stan Wayne Jan Dixon Sykes Carl Murphy David Woods An email I just got from the Trump campaign that shows a graphic. Blue is for Hillary. Red is for Trump and Pink is where they have been working hard to tip it towards Trump and Gray is a toss up. WOW. This could be a landslide not a squeaker.

  • Reply November 8, 2016

    Varnel Watson

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