Original Recipe for Successful Christina Life

Original Recipe for Successful Christina Life

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Original Recipe for Successful Christina Life


The Present Situation:

  • Postmodernism – no belief;
  • no tolerance of belief or tolerance to ALL beliefs
  • drugs – illusion that is OK replacing the vision of the Spirit
  • alcohol – is replacing the reality of life and the real need for God – let’s liberate our conscience to do the things which are not pleased to God
  • denial that what is going on is wrong


  1. Reject Fear
  2. common slogan NO FEAR
  3. the Christian answer was FEAR NOT
  4. there are reasons to fear – school shootings
  5. fear is …
  6. refuse to fear the lies of the devil
  7. REFUSE TO RUN from problems and responsibilities


  1. Refuse the stress to rule
  2. Stress builds up our anger and violence
  3. It points our energy in skills from the plan of God to a plan of self-destruction
  4. Then you say I am tired – of course you will be tired if you walk around angry all daylong – it will tare you a part
  5. It steals from you the time when you hear the voice of God
  6. Jesus is our Sabbath of rest
  7. Find time of rest in the time spent with God
  8. And when you pray, please shut up and let God talk
  9. We talk too much in prayer cause we are afraid if we hush God may tell us things we don’t want to hear and ask us to do things we don’t want to do
  10. We don’t want to keep quite in the presence of God because we don’t know how to deal with silence and because in the silence our own problems come out and we are afraid to deal with them


  1. Forget ALL old things
  2. Paul said that he forgets the old
  3. Was there a reason for that? What was in his past? – Persecuting the church…
  4. It is needed to forget the past before you can dream of the future


  1. Set your mark in Christ
  2. he is my anchor of truth in the storm of sin and death
  3. Paul is in the storm – Acs 28
  4. They lose the anchor
  5. Paul says But I believe God
  6. Paul’s anchor for today and hope for tomorrow was in God Almighty
  7. If he has done it before he can do it again


  1. Live victoriously
  2. the church has lost its prophetic character
  3. instead of being shaped by God’s will it is shaped after the present culture
  4. it has become a vendor of religious services
  5. receive a vision from God
  6. have passion about what He wants to do
  7. and then do it – whatever the cost
  8. this is what the Bible calls successful
  9. not the rich, the wise the pretty, but the ones who give everything to follow the risen Christ
  10. you cannot know Him and the strength of his resurrection without knowing the pain of His suffering on the cross


  • Daniel J Hesse
    Reply November 23, 2019

    Daniel J Hesse

    Is that Christian?

  • Louise Cummings
    Reply November 24, 2019

    Louise Cummings

    You brought out great points. In both the bad that some believe. Or do they really believe it? Or just doesn’t want the true light. You also brought out great points on the way the Word of God brings out.

  • Reply November 24, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    its diverse and theology proper

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