Pursuing the Possibility of Peace with Iran

Pursuing the Possibility of Peace with Iran

Reading news that diplomats say they have an agreement that would block Iran from developing nuclear weapons and prevent another war, my mind went back to the 1979 hostage crisis. As a 19-years-old American, I was so outraged by the treatment of our diplomats that I enlisted in the Navy to prepare for the coming […]

Dealing with the Devil :: By Terry James

Dealing with the Devil :: By Terry James

We who see things developing from truth found in God’s prophetic Word can, I think, agree that secular (humanistic) efforts at dealing with the principalities and powers of Ephesians 6:12 aren’t working. Man trying to hold back the evil of this world has failed miserably at every level. Therefore, God’s next catastrophic intervention into earth’s […]

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Close of the 10 Commandments

What do Commandments have to do with Eternal Life?

Professor Shir has a great fondness for the book of Deuteronomy and its connections throughout the Bible. His course is a small taste of how influential Deuteronomy is in the theology portrayed in the gospels. Take the concept of “eternal life…

A Final Round With Larry Wood

A Final Round With Larry Wood

Pneuma 28,2_f7_264-270I 9/26/06 4:41 PM Page 265 Pentecostal Theology, Volume 28, No. 2, Fall 2006 S SP Response A Final Round with Larry Wood…

Absent from the Body and Present with the Lord :: By Candy Austin

Absent from the Body and Present with the Lord :: By Candy Austin

In a changing world where people are becoming more and more unfriendly, unkind, and just plain downright rude, it is pretty rare to find a person who will leave mainly positive impressions and memories behind. Throughout my lifetime, only about a dozen or so people have left such a fond imprint, which is why I […]

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Away with this man

Away with this man

And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas: – Luke 23:18 Give us Barabbus sadly…

Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast Interview with Terry James

Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast Interview with Terry James

In this exclusive Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast interview, Terry James discusses how COVID-19, technology, racial anarchy, and trans-humanism play into end-times prophecy. Here’s a link to Rob Schilling’s podcast interview with Terry: https://www.patreon.com/posts/71473826 Here are some other links to The Schilling Show “Where the News is Made!”℠ Listen Live Online Schilling Show Blog  WINA Podcasts […]

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Better Times Ahead? Only With Jesus :: By Dennis Huebshman

Better Times Ahead? Only With Jesus :: By Dennis Huebshman

Luke 21:9-12; “And when you hear of wars and tumults, do not be terrified, for these things must first take place, but the end will not be at once. Then He said to them, nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and in various places, famines and pestilences. […]

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