Sustaining the Weary with a Word

Sustaining the Weary with a Word

This isn’t a private message, but it is a deeply personal one. This morning, I opened my Bible to Isaiah 50:4-9, one of the passages assigned for this coming weekend in The Revised Common Lectionary. And God met me there. The first few lines of the pas…

Just Sharing With You What is on My Heart :: By Keith Watts

Just Sharing With You What is on My Heart :: By Keith Watts

“Prayer warriors have entered countries that their feet never have entered and never will enter.” – Leonard Ravenhill Heavenly Father, I pray that you will open up the spiritual eyes of pastors, preachers and Christians around the world to join with us in this worldwide prayer movement and for the sake of over 701,619,718 precious […]

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Crosspoint Interview with Terry James

Crosspoint Interview with Terry James

The Crosspoint interview between Terry James and Mark Taylor will air on March 11-12, 2023,  on Saturday (1am CT, 2pm CT, and 9pm CT) and Sunday (7pm CT) on www.kneo.org stream and will be available as the CURRENT BROADCAST at https://www.kneo.org/crosspoint.html on March 10, 2023. Starting March 17, the program will be archived on the KNEO website for four weeks.  You can find the link […]

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What’s Mercy Got to Do With Bible Prophecy? :: By Jonathan Brentner

What’s Mercy Got to Do With Bible Prophecy? :: By Jonathan Brentner

Ruth, my wife, and I have a cat named Adaline. On the surface, one might wonder why she has captured our hearts. I don’t fully understand why I’m so attached to her, although she is cute. She most often demands her own way and audibly grumbles when that doesn’t happen. Adaline exhibits “management qualities” when […]

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