One who has given up hope is without a God….

One who has given up hope is without a God….

One who has given up hope is without a God. One who sees hope in each day is already free. Read More: [http://www.jerusaleme.org.il/content/](http://www.jerusaleme.org.il/content/?fbclid=IwAR071WNg-l4h27YNIxNTqzBB5OILyL_2VtKpY0cYtSIJBYXL7rtJeIlyULA)

Who is Worthy?

Who is Worthy?

Who is worthy to lead us as a nation, or on a global scale down a path of righteousness? Our answer is not coming…

Knowing Who You Are in Christ

Knowing Who You Are in Christ

Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching about the importance of every Christian believer understanding their identity in Christ. http://www.prayerfaithministry.com