Who is "your God" in John 8:54?

Who is "your God" in John 8:54?

For a large part of John 8, Jesus is having a discussion with the Jews about who his Father is and who their Father is.
John 8:54 Authorized KJV

Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; …

Dictators at WHO aim to begin installing a One World Government

Dictators at WHO aim to begin installing a One World Government

Dangerous excessive rainfall event underway across much of Central California, widespread severe flooding expected A dangerous excessive rainfall event, brought by a powerful atmospheric river, is underway across much of Central California today. Areal rainfall totals of 100 – 230 mm (4 – 9 inches) through today, atop areas with saturated soil and deep snowpack […]

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