
Common Sense Isn’t So Common Anymore :: By Jim Towers

Common Sense Isn’t So Common Anymore :: By Jim Towers

People everywhere are searching for cover from all they see happening in our world. Things such as war, famine, natural disasters, economic woes, and manmade viruses. Bunkers and bomb shelters are being built by those who can afford to have them built. Preppers are stocking up on food; this is the commonsense thing to do […]

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Celebrities Receiving Christ!? :: By Jim Towers

Celebrities Receiving Christ!? :: By Jim Towers

Who would believe that hard-core agnostics and atheists are repenting and receiving Christ? Yes, arrogant and self-serving actors and celebrities are receiving Christ under the end-times prophecy, “In the last days I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh…” Even Shia LaBeouf just became a ‘Christian’! The once obstinate actor was an agnostic until […]

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