Resurrecting An Institution on Life Support
https://medium.com/backyard-theology/the-church-must-change-or-die-86488d9f33a1 Resurrecting An Institution on Life Support
https://medium.com/backyard-theology/the-church-must-change-or-die-86488d9f33a1 Resurrecting An Institution on Life Support
Most Christians in America Now Support Homosexuality? A comprehensive study released by the Pew Research Center analyzing various questions surrounding Americans’ relationship with religion…
A top evangelical college group has warned its 1,300 employees that they will soon face “involuntary terminations” if they support gay marriage or otherwise…
What happened to this prophetic utterance? Assembly Bill 2943 now reads: A religious ministry could not hold a conference on maintaining sexual purity if…
Last month Dr. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY, was part of a panel discussion during a Baptist21…
We Should Read and Support Modern Translations of the Bible ●Koine Greek is NOT a holy biblical language. (Example: the Greek New Testament, and…
Michael L Brown shares Why Evangelical Christians Should Not Support Donald #Trump John Kissinger [12/01/2015 8:04 AM]Not too sure if I mostly disagree or…
JON VOIGHT SUPPORTS NETANYAHU IN NEW AD Julius Streeter [03/16/2015 10:20 AM]Obama is a stranger to the truth, a counterfeit, a confidence trickster knowing…