
Sin :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

Sin :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

The acronym SIN could stand for many things. Here are three that beget the next and necessitate a fourth: Satanically Initiated Nonconformity; Selfish In Nature: Steeped In Nihilism; because of these Salvation Is Necessary. Most of us associate the word sin with particular activities that used to be unacceptable in society. However, the definition of […]

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Why Does God Allow Us to Have a Sin Nature? :: By David Cogburn

Why Does God Allow Us to Have a Sin Nature? :: By David Cogburn

From the Bible, we know that God has created TWO types of sentient beings – angels and human beings. Is there much of a difference between the two? There is a HUGE difference. Angels are EACH created by God DIRECTLY and are created holy, perfect, and sinless. As with ALL of God’s sentient beings, they […]

The post Why Does God Allow Us to Have a Sin Nature? :: By David Cogburn appeared first on Rapture Ready.

Sin :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

Sin :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

The acronym SIN could stand for many things. Here are three that beget the next and necessitate a fourth: Satanically Initiated Nonconformity; Selfish In Nature: Steeped In Nihilism; because of these Salvation Is Necessary. Most of us associate the word sin with particular activities that used to be unacceptable in society. However, the definition of […]

The post Sin :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr appeared first on Rapture Ready.

my sin is gone sway

my sin is gone sway

“But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of…

no longer a slave to sin

no longer a slave to sin

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” – Galatians…