
Signs of the Times: Part 3 – No Signs of the Rapture :: By Paul J. Scharf

Signs of the Times: Part 3 – No Signs of the Rapture :: By Paul J. Scharf

In our culture, it’s become the proverbial fifth wheel of holidays. Really, we don’t even celebrate it anymore. It used to be that we would pause for much of the day—to feast, spend time with our families, and, yes, to watch football … but, most importantly, to worship and give thanks. But sadly, those days […]

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Oxymoronic Signs: Prehistoric Humans & Jewish Atheists :: By Wilfred Hahn

Oxymoronic Signs: Prehistoric Humans & Jewish Atheists :: By Wilfred Hahn

One of the more widely used terms that this writer often encounters is “hunter-gatherers.” It is a name that applies to the sociologic evolution of mankind. A long way back—even millions of years ago apparently—homo sapiens lived like animals. Originally, they did not plant gardens or store food. Rather, in their loincloths, they ate what […]

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12 Signs the World is Running Out of Normal :: By Jonathan Brentner

12 Signs the World is Running Out of Normal :: By Jonathan Brentner

Many people say that today is no different than any other time in history. “Sure, things look bad now, but this was also the case during World Wars I and II. Things have a way of working out so that things eventually return to some semblance of normal.” I understand why so many question Jesus’ […]

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Signs of the Times: Part 2 – Signs of the Second Coming :: By Paul J. Scharf

Signs of the Times: Part 2 – Signs of the Second Coming :: By Paul J. Scharf

It will be here before we know it! December 25th, that is…. But long before that big day, we’ll sense the sights, sounds, and smells. Christmas, in fact, permeates our culture so thoroughly that it almost mingles together with all things related to fall—the cooler weather, a warm sweater, the desire to stay inside, football […]

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Lying Signs and Wonders :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

Lying Signs and Wonders :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

*All future correspondence will be under the pen name – C. Gray Adams* Many run to and fro, seeking signs and wonders. In this endeavor, they wander about from church to church, looking for the next revival where they may obtain their much-desired goosebumps. This is very unfortunate because this need for the supernatural is […]

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God Still Uses Strange Signs and Special Miracles | Episode #1068 | Perry Stone

God Still Uses Strange Signs

Watch the latest Manna-Fest program filmed on location at the Ein Gedi Kibbutz in Israel! Make sure to like, comment and share this video!…

The Signs of the Lord’s Return

The Signs of the Lord’s Return

The Signs of the Lord’s Return (4): Iniquity Abounds and the Love of Believers Grows Cold 🎬 Iniquity is now increasing in the…