
My Readers :: By Jim Towers

My Readers :: By Jim Towers

Two different readers, while vacationing here in S. Florida, have paid me a visit recently. One was Norman R., and the other was Joe K., both of whom claim to be readers of my articles and Rapture Ready. We met at the Cracker Barrel restaurant here in Naples at different times a week apart, and […]

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Miracles Galore :: By Jim Towers

Miracles Galore :: By Jim Towers

In my acting class, we were made to sign songs from Broadway musicals, and I learned them all. Today, I couldn’t help but sing one of them out loud today – again… “What a day this has been; what a great mood I’m in – why, it’s almost like being in love.” I’ve been waking […]

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Evildoers :: By Jim Towers

Evildoers :: By Jim Towers

Godless Joe Biden, who claims to be a Catholic, sent billions more to Ukraine in blackmail money. Zelensky is blackmailing old Joe and son Hunter (lest we forget the dealings of Burisma). This corrupt administration hopes to cover up the illicit business dealings Joe had with Ukraine. If this corrupt father and son were to […]

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Psalm 2 :: By Jim Towers

Psalm 2 :: By Jim Towers

“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the […]

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Bizarro World :: By Jim Towers

Bizarro World :: By Jim Towers

I used to read comic books as a kid and learned to love reading as a child. Today, I read voraciously to know what’s going on in the secular world and read the Bible daily to know about the spiritual world as well. In the early Superman comic books, there was a period when Superman […]

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Real Threats :: By Jim Towers

Real Threats :: By Jim Towers

EMPs are a serious threat to mankind, especially to Americans, who have a lot to lose if we ever experience one. An EMP attack would shut down our electrical grid for a long time. Over the years, I have occasionally mentioned EMPs in my writing and recently asked a friend about EMPs since his work […]

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Swatted :: By Jim Towers

Swatted :: By Jim Towers

We are hearing more and more about people that have been “swatted.” That is the term used for making a false report to the police department, saying that someone with whom you disagree is committing a crime with a deadly weapon, thereby bringing the local Swat team to the residence named in the reported red […]

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