
Only On Evil :: By Terry James

Only On Evil :: By Terry James

Those who “watch,” as commanded by the Lord Himself, should ask, at least to themselves: Has this generation reached the times totally saturated by evil as foretold by the Lord? God gave the reason He “repented” that He had created man. “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of […]

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Of Evil Leaders and Hapless Victims :: By Bill Wilson

Of Evil Leaders and Hapless Victims :: By Bill Wilson

Communism and socialism are about control and wealth redistribution. There are leaders, and there are victims. While the leaders of these systems always say they are upholding the rights of the minorities and marginalized (the victims), what they are really doing is robbing the victims blind and enslaving them. The goal is to make these […]

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Evil Company :: By Nathele Graham

Evil Company :: By Nathele Graham

  “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame” (1 Corinthians15:33). The congregation in Corinth is an example of how we are not to live. It’s also an example of a congregation that was rebuked […]

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Bible Prophecy Update: Unbridled Evil Among Us :: By Gary W. Ritter

Bible Prophecy Update: Unbridled Evil Among Us :: By Gary W. Ritter

Update 8-17-22 The depth of the Deep State, directed by the globalist elites – the proverbial cream of the crop – is bottomless. It is so extensive that even those of us aware of the satanic agenda at work in the world today cannot truly comprehend how pervasive it is. And what is this Deep […]

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All Manner Of Evil Spoken Falsely

All Manner Of Evil Spoken Falsely

PNEUMA 41 (2019) 31–49 All Manner of Evil Spoken Falsely Acts of Sodomy, the Pentecostal Presses, and the Narrative of Charles Fox Parham Andrea…