
The 9 Wars of the End Times :: By Dr. David R. Reagan

The 9 Wars of the End Times :: By Dr. David R. Reagan

Book review by Terry James Anyone who’s heard Dr. David Reagan speak on Bible prophecy understands when I say he has very few peers and no superiors in the ability to hold one’s attention. The same can be said about reading this great teacher’s writings on biblical eschatology. His scholarship is deeper than most any […]

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Robert Menzies: The End of History

Robert Menzies: The End of History

Robert P. Menzies, The End of History: Pentecostals and a Fresh Approach to the Apocalypse (ACPT Press, 2022), 207 pages, ISBN 9780578361161. In recent years, there have been several books from Pentecostal/Charismatic scholars challenging what has been the traditional—or default—pre-Tribulation, pre-millennial view of the end times within many P/C circles. Among these are Daniel Isgrigg’s […]

End of the Age: From Firstfruits to Hanukkah: Part II :: By Randy Nettles

End of the Age: From Firstfruits to Hanukkah: Part II :: By Randy Nettles

In my last article, The End of the Age: From Firstfruits to Hanukkah :: By Randy Nettles – Rapture Ready, I explained why I believe the last seven years of Daniel’s 70th Seven prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27) will be based on the Jewish calendar and not a 360-day “prophetic” calendar. More on this later, but first, […]

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Popular But Dangerous View of the End Times :: By Jonathan Brentner

Popular But Dangerous View of the End Times :: By Jonathan Brentner

It’s perhaps the most significant question one can ask today regarding biblical prophecy. The inquiry draws a line in the sand, with each group holding fast to what they believe. The question is this: Will the Lord restore a glorious kingdom to Israel during Jesus’ thousand-year reign upon the earth? Most pastors today would answer […]

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The End of the Age: From Firstfruits to Hanukkah :: By Randy Nettles

The End of the Age: From Firstfruits to Hanukkah :: By Randy Nettles

In 539 BC, Daniel the prophet was still in Babylon and was reading the prophecy of Jeremiah regarding the 70-year captivity. Realizing the 70 years were nearing completion, Daniel began to pray, asking God’s forgiveness for the sins of his people and pleading for the restoration of Jerusalem and Israel’s imminent return to their land. […]

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