
Celebrity Christianity or Christianity Compromised? :: By Holly Spate

Celebrity Christianity or Christianity Compromised? :: By Holly Spate

As we get closer to Christ’s return, we are seeing a greater rise in compromise within churches. So many have become the poster children (to a tee) for the Laodicean church the Bible describes. Many today just want their ears tickled. Many are content to seek a place where they can socialize, grab a cup […]

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Katherine Shaner: Enslaved Leadership in Early Christianity

Katherine Shaner: Enslaved Leadership in Early Christianity

Katherine Shaner, Enslaved Leadership in Early Christianity (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018) xxix + 207 pages, ISBN 9780190275068. Dr. Katherine Shaner, in a revised form of her Harvard Divinity School dissertation, asks a provocative question. What role, if any, did enslaved persons embody in the congregation of the early church? Shaner’s response to this […]