Are You Weary of Being Outraged? :: By Jan Markell

Are You Weary of Being Outraged? :: By Jan Markell

Outraged At Wicked Men, Corruption, Lies, and Destructive Schemes I recently received the following e-mail from Karen that sums up the way many are feeling today. She writes: “Would you please present a radio show to encourage your listeners who are discouraged and made doubtful by rampant evil and the delayed rapture of the church?” […]

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Acts 15: Are Gentiles Allowed in the Church?

Acts 15: Are Gentiles Allowed in the Church?

How is the message about a God who made covenants with a particular people in a particular land move into the gentile world? This was a perplexing issue for the early church, and the early Jewish leaders used the book of Leviticus to help solv…

Who are the "Great Multitude" in Revelation 7:9?

Who are the "Great Multitude" in Revelation 7:9?

NIV – Revelation 7:9: After this I looked, and there before me was a
great multitude that no one could count

There is a not complete answer in Revelation 7:14

These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have
washed …

Are we IN the Millennium Right NOW?

Are we IN the Millennium Right NOW?

In contemporary history, the third millennium of the Anno Domini or Common Era in the Gregorian calendar is the current millennium spanning the years 2001…

I’m a Misfit at Church, Are You? :: By Jonathan Brentner

I’m a Misfit at Church, Are You? :: By Jonathan Brentner

It seems to be an annual rite of passage in many Bible-believing churches. As summer draws to a close, pastors assure the faithful that their church remains committed to the Great Commission. It’s the mission of the church, and thus everyone must help fill the building with people in the coming year. Please know that […]

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Behind The Scenes – Why We Are What We Are :: By Ron Ferguson

Behind The Scenes – Why We Are What We Are :: By Ron Ferguson

Australian Republic? Reasons & Applications Even for the USA Behind The Scenes – Why We Are What We Are – How It Has Happened INTRODUCTION So much is changing in the world so quickly that almost every day now, there are things happening that can relate to the last days to a greater or lesser […]

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What Are You Celebrating? :: By Nathele Graham

What Are You Celebrating? :: By Nathele Graham

There’s no doubt about it. People enjoy celebrating. Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, graduation, retirement, and more. Then there are the big celebrations like Christmas and Thanksgiving. These are all happy occasions which should be celebrated with friends and family. God wants us to enjoy life, but He also wants us to use discernment in how and […]

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We are of God

We are of God

We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit…