
Prophecy Update: Hitler Template for Antichrist, Pt 2 :: By Gary W. Ritter

Prophecy Update: Hitler Template for Antichrist

Update: 9-14-22 What will Antichrist actually be like? What will his rise to power look like? How will life – not only in America – but in every nation around the world adjust to a universal dictatorship? What will happen to people who don’t go along with Antichrist’s program? Last week in Part 1 of […]

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The Spirit of Antichrist Inspires Glorification of Darkness :: By Jan Markell

The Spirit of Antichrist Inspires Glorification of Darkness :: By Jan Markell

This is a disheartening article to write, to be honest. We see darkness rising, yet we are called to be salt and light to a decaying world—even if the world pushes back. Let’s try to counter the enemy wherever we see his presence. The world is imploding as we trend toward the Tribulation. The devil […]

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Michael Brown and Craig Keener: Not Afraid of the Antichrist

Michael Brown and Craig Keener: Not Afraid of the Antichrist

Michael L. Brown and Craig S. Keener, Not Afraid of the Antichrist: Why We Don’t Believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture (Chosen, 2019), 238 pages, ISBN 9780800799168. Eschatology—the study of the end times—seems to be a perennial topic of interest among Christian readers (and Christian publishers who seek to supply what the reading public wants). Sadly, […]