Daniel 11: 36-37 and henotheism

Daniel 11: 36-37 and henotheism

Daniel 11:36-37 KJV

And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accompl…

A study on Daniel chapter 11.

A study on Daniel chapter 11.

A study on Daniel chapter 11. **Chapter 14** **Daniel Chapter 11.** Daniel 11 will not be discussed in its entirety; as [Daniel 11:5-34](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbiblia.com%2Fbible%2Fkjv1900%2FDan%252011.5-34%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1IiDg8YvLDEfjXRLRsvWDuqsHK6dRK_8kaiVH2T5ZPTiE4czu8nA3CpdM&h=AT2o34Jv0VhoQLsh070WMYwuquNE-TP34U-rABoF5aKKHwIbIpcrbGHpjUqaLngIpHNed-W83ZVRJ4oJZaXgVGhYCQ6Qy7dJHhvlYjfOhyS8IfrMey1rDpEhMbuDuzKdRYEap7ydVoxirdH14VlumA) is…

Dr. Craig Keener, Acts 8

Biblical eLearning (http://biblicalelearning.org) presents: Dr. Craig Keener on Acts This is the eleventh of 23 lectures Dr. Craig Keener of Asbury Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky…