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  10. General
  11. Cults
  12. Practices and Teachings
  13. Martial Arts
  14. False Religions
  15. Catholic
  16. Religious Works


Isa. 14:4-23 Punishment of Satan and his demons.

Ezek. 28:11-19 Punishment of Satan and his demons.

Matt. 9:32-38 Compassion on the multitude – dumb delivered.

Mark 6:7-13 Power over unclean spirits – healed all.

Luke 9 Deliverance and miracles of GOD.


In these end times there is a veritable rash of cults springing up. Their telltale earmarks have often been repeated, but I will remind you again of some of the most common.

There are Biblical qualities of leadership. These are very important for the people will seldom rise above the level of their leaders (Jer. 12:10-11; Isa. 24:2, II Tim. 2:16).

GOD’s leaders reach for responsibility and are marked by a willingness to sacrifice and be a servant of all (Phil. 2:19-23; I Peter 5:2-3).

The persons THE LORD chooses feed the flock (Jer. 3:25; 23:3-4; Ezek. 34:23-24). Self-seeking ones come in to fleece the flock (Ex. 34:1-10; Jer. 23:1-2; Micah 3:1-5; John 10:12-13). When leaders falter and fail, pray for them, but do not follow them into error (I Cor. 5).

There is an edification and building of the body under godly leaders who gently lead the flock (Isa. 40:10-11). Others scatter and bring confusion, dividing the flock needlessly (Jer. 23:1-2).

When a leader is GOD-called he sees himself as only the under-shepherd of GOD’s sheep with a call to keep himself totally committed to THE LORD (Psalms 100:3; 23:1; Ezek. 34:23; Ex. 34:30-31; I Cor. 7:23; I Peter 5:4). A self-appointed leader is a hireling (John 10) and considers the sheep as his property to be sheared for his benefit.

In a group cursed with false leaders, there will be false teachings on: submission to authority (with a loyalty foreign to scripture and without the provision for growth and development); divine order; individuality; the kingdom of GOD; and becoming deity. Psychic and occult powers may be presented in the guise of spiritual gifts from THE LORD. False prophecy which does not come to pass and financial exploitation will flourish. Pride and exclusiveness in the group will be fostered and deliberate divisions will be caused from families and from other Christians. There will be a widespread and thinly veiled use of fear as a weapon of control and the group will be periodically shaken by moral lapses, many condoned by the leadership.


There is a strange hold that many weird cults have on thousands of ensnared young people which is through demonic control spirits. In the name of liberty, they have opened the door for terrible bondage (II Peter 2:19-20).

Some of the most well-known are: Children of God; Unification, International Society of Krishna Consciousness; Forever Family; The Mission; The Process; Scintillate; Love Israel; The Assembly; The Body; The Farm; The Way, etc.

Deeply craving and seeking peer approval, a disciplined life and a better world than the one they see, these youngsters do not realize how easily they can be deceived. Knowing the vulnerability of the group, unscrupulous promoters work zealously to exploit them and their unspoken cry, I am important, please notice me.

In the beginning, the approach is always warm, friendly and accepting. Chanting is often used to focus attention and limit peripheral vision.

The cruelty, selfishness and egotism of the leaders is unbelievable. Many are Jezebellian women, some are charismatic witches. Others are vicious and unprincipled men, depraved and driven to excesses.

JESUS said, Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32). Paul admonished believers not to be entangled again in the yoke of bondage (Gal. 5:1). GOD’s people are to be peculiar (I Peter 2:9; Titus 2:13) but that peculiarity is to be found in the fact that they are zealous of good works and seek to honor GOD’S NAME.


Because of the prevalence of religious cults which have destroyed thousands, perhaps the identifying characteristics of them should be repeated. The more of these practices which are in evidence, the more cultic and demonic the organization is. Cultic systems have one or more of the following:

  1. Deceptive Christology
  2. Extra Biblical revelations
  3. Translocal totalitarian authority in leadership
  4. Babylonian pyramidal control of the followers
  5. Semi-secret sessions for teaching followers
  6. Exclusivism or cronyism
  7. Semantic juggling or a text out of context used toprovefalse doctrines and concepts.
  8. Punishment and reward motivation or control of behavior and attitudes through ruthless use of fear.
  9. Denunciation of others, particularly of those who question or deny cults.

10.Separation and isolation of followers from their families and friends, and the formation of communal living cells to facilitate centralized control and enforce obedience.


We are warned of false prophets and teachers (Matt. 7:15-27; Mark 13:22; Acts 20:28-32; II Tim. 4:3-4; I John 4:1-3; II Peter 2:1).

Many claiming to give prophetic words are not from THE LORD. Believers, newly saved, and often with liturgical church, or no church or biblical background, are swayed by these charlatans.

Satan specialized in deception, is very subtle and often appears as a religious angel of light. Author of confusion and father of lies, he can also come as a roaring lion (John 8:44; I Cor. 14:33; II Cor. 13:15).

Supernatural gifts and miracles of healing do not guarantee the genuineness of a work. False leaders often are very sincere, and may themselves be deceived about what they are doing. They also can manifest supernatural gifts (Matt. 7:22-23). False workers emphasize physical sensations, emotional experiences and employ worldly wisdom which is earthly, sensual and devilish (demonic) (James 3:15). All this de-emphasizes CHRIST and produces a drift away from Him in search of more thrilling sensual experiences.

False love can be spotted because it is limited to a special group and snares participants into bondage. Leaders of such groups claims exclusive authority and revelations of knowledge, but submit themselves to no authority for review or correction.

Groups such as this often adopt distinctive names, identifying them as the one true representative of CHRIST on earth. The groups are marked by confusion, and always followers are pressured by harsh and condemnatory demands. Situation ethics such as the end justifies the means are employed frequently.

Marks of counterfeit groups may include one or more of the following errors:

  1. Presenting another JESUS, spirit or gospel (Gal. 1:6; II Tim. 4:3; II Cor. 11:4). Sometimes loyalty to the group is more important than loyalty to JESUS.
  2. Denial of virgin birth, the blood, the work of the cross and the existence of sin.
  3. They may go overboard literalizing Scriptures such ashate your mother and father(Luke 14:26).
  4. Some press the return of CHRIST to an extreme which creates apathy and laziness (II Thes. 3:10-11).
  5. Use of isolated Scriptures to build doctrines, ignoring the context.
  6. Some are anti-Semitic and are spiritualists masquerading as Christians.
  7. Some overemphasize the Old Testament and neglect the New Testament message of the cross and the blood.


Currently popularized on T.V. and in the movies, this deadly art, under several titles, has gained widespread acceptance in every strata of our society. Combined with the moral training of Zen Buddhism, its purpose was to develop Sumurai warriors.

Today Karate is often taught in conjunction with various forms of transcendental meditation (similar to Yoga) to psych up the students to heights of greater effectiveness. This puts it in the category of an occult religious exercise and makes it extremely dangerous.

JESUS warns in Matthew 26:52 that those who resort to the sword (violence) will die that way. Ephesians 6 speaks of wrestling not with flesh and blood but with spiritual adversaries. I Corinthians 10:3-4 continues in the vein and in Luke 10:19 Christians are given authority over their enemies by the empowering of the Holy Spirit.

Since Karate is heavily involved in the occult, those who dabble with it will bring curses upon themselves and upon their descendants to the third and fourth generations. (Deut. 6:8;7:25-26; 11:28; 12:3; 13:6-10) (Worship of Idols).


Most people are unaware that much of the incense sold in curio and novelty shops was manufactured by devotees of the Hare Krishna cult. Their wares are dedicated to this demon god of the Hindus and can cause much trouble.

There on the package of incense was the picture of Hindu deity, Hare Krishna and on the back was printed the Hare Krishna chant with instructions on how to get in touch with the infinite.

Win Worley’s daughter uttered a short shriek and collapsed straight to the floor – landing in the yoga lotus position!


Please forgive me. I forgive my ancestors and anyone else who has had spiritual authority over me for participating in any form of: False Religious Cults, Practices, Works and Teachings, Martial Arts and Catholicism including:

  1. Lodges, societies and social agencies using the BIBLE AND GOD as a basis, but omitting the BLOOD ATONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST.
  2. Cults that deny THE BLOOD OF CHRIST.
  3. Philosophies that deny THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST.
  4. Books, literature, music and anything dealing with false religions.
  5. False doctrines studied, believed and taught.
  6. Unrighteous practices engaged in.
  7. I ask these things in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST: LORD, MASTER AND SAVIOR.Amen.



Many demons come in through family background, curses and inheritance. There must be legal grounds or holds to open a person to attack.


Jehovah’s Witnesses Christian Science Rosicrucianism

Theosophy Urantia Subud

Latihan Unity Mormonism

Bahaism Unitarianism Children of God

Unification Forever Family The Mission

The Process Scientology Love Israel

The Assembly The Body The Farm

The Way Spiritualism Swedenborgianism

Christodelphianism Inner Peace Movement Edgar Cayce

Jean Dixon Arthur Ford Ruth Montgomery

Eckankar Herbert Armstrong Eastern Star

Freemasonry Seventh-Day Adventism Mary Baker Eddy

Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship

Association for Research and Enlightenment

Religious Research Foundation of America

Practices and Teachings

Ritualism Formalism Legalism

Doctrinal Obsession Seduction Doctrinal Error

Fear of God Fear of Hell Religiosity

Reincarnation Demonic Healing Groups Astral Projection

Chanting Charismatic Witches Soul Travel

Karma Idol Worship Incense

Yoga (Lotus) Fear of Lost Salvation Cult Book Reading

Bloodline – Cult lies Transcendental Meditation Consecration

Deception Baptismal Regeneration Good Works

Metaphysics Jesus Only Predestination

Holy Ghost Fear Psychocybernetics Jerking


Clearing House – Cult Control

Varied Studies in Cults

Evolution Studying and Teaching

Eastern Religion Interest and Study

Martial Arts

Karate Ushito Lust (Asmodeus)

Kung Fu Ki-Ya Fighting

Judo Hatha Yoga Rage

Tae Kinon Do Iketo Suicide

Jiap Destruction (Osmodeus) Enter The Dragon

Acupuncture Way of The Dragon Masochism

Remedial Message Game of Death Meditation

Herbal Remedies Murder Hypnosis

Kung Fu-Wu-Su Hate False Honor

Kata Violence

False Religions

Buddhism Taoism Hinduism

Islam Shintoism Confucianism

Hare Krishna Zen Buddhism I Ching

Indian Fakir Krishna Consciousness Catholicism



Candles Catholic Hymns Saints (by name)

Dedication to Saints Confessional Confession to Priest

Confirmation Fear of Priest Holy Eucharist

Lourdes Fatima Incense

Mariolatry Fear of Excommunication Obedience to Priest

One Holy Priesthood One True Church One Only Church

Prayers to Saints Pope Queen of Heaven

Queen of Peace Queen of Righteousness Spirits of Babylon

Angel Worship Idolatry Medals

Miraculous Medal Scapulars Feast Days

Assumption Easter Bunny Santa Claus

Hail Mary Sign of the Cross Way of the Cross

Masochism Infant Baptism Penance

First Communion Extreme Unction Mariology-Study

Rosary-Buddhism Holy Water Missals

Catechisms Titles of Mary Mother of God

Great Harlot Nimrod Tammuz

Knights of Columbus Holy Mother Church Statues (by name)

Sacred Heart Lady of Mt. Carmel Worship of Host

Immaculate Conception Anti-Christ Christmas Infant of Prague

Our Lady of Guadelupe Glory be Ejaculations Catholic Matrimony

Semiramis Veneration of Crucifix Celebrating Mass

Spirit of Death Stoicism Sadism

Masochism Eucharistic Devotion False Confession

False Orders False Devotions Religious Deception

False Confirmation False Vows False Obedience

Virgins (by name) False Ordination False Tongues

False Visions False Dreams False Prophecy

False Preaching False Celibacy

Anti-Christ with Power and Strength Harmoniousness – Loss of Salvation

Consecration to Mary as a Slave Veneration of Pope, Bishops, Priests

Magic of Seven Sacraments Necromancy – Praying to the Dead

False Salvation Doctrine False Baptism in Holy Spirit

Ordination to Priesthood Pleanry and Partial Indulgences

Mediatrix of all Graces Receiving and Administering Sacraments

Going to and Hearing Confessions Consecrating and Adoring the Host

Prayers and Novenas to Saints Blind Obedience to Superiors

Doctrine of Transubstantiation Spirit of Man in Black Suit

Obedience to the Priesthood False Laying on of Hands

False Religious Authority Religious Mind Control

Veneration of Relics, Tabernacles, Chalice

False Anointings of Baptism and Confirmation

Praying, Kissing, Bowing and Incensing Relics

Making Vows of Obedience, Chastity and Poverty and Breaking Them

Religious Works

Works Religion Good Works Unbelief

Doubt Another Jesus False Tongues

False Baptism False Gifts False Divining Healing

False Dreams False Prophecy False Prophets

False Hope False Joy False Testimony

False Visions False Holiness Hypocrisy

Holy Ground Holy Roller Poison Drinking

Snake Handling Passing Thru The Fire Woman Preacher

False Purity False Virginity Snake Venom

Shaking – Inside and Outside


These books and other books on religions can be obtained from Chick Publications, Chino, California:

50 Years in the Church of Rome (Catholic).

The Priest, The Woman, and the Confessional (Catholic).


These references are from books written by Win Worley, Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland, Indiana: Marks of Cultic GroupsThe Battle RoyalConquering The Hosts Of Hell , A Word About Incense and Is Karate for Christians.DELIVERANCE SCRIPTURE

Isa. 14:4-23 Punishment of Satan and his demons.

Ezek. 28:11-19 Punishment of Satan and his demons.

Matt. 9:32-38 Compassion on the multitude – dumb delivered.

Mark 6:7-13 Power over unclean spirits – healed all.

Luke 9 Deliverance and miracles of GOD.


In these end times there is a veritable rash of cults springing up. Their telltale earmarks have often been repeated, but I will remind you again of some of the most common.

There are Biblical qualities of leadership. These are very important for the people will seldom rise above the level of their leaders (Jer. 12:10-11; Isa. 24:2, II Tim. 2:16).

GOD’s leaders reach for responsibility and are marked by a willingness to sacrifice and be a servant of all (Phil. 2:19-23; I Peter 5:2-3).

The persons THE LORD chooses feed the flock (Jer. 3:25; 23:3-4; Ezek. 34:23-24). Self-seeking ones come in to fleece the flock (Ex. 34:1-10; Jer. 23:1-2; Micah 3:1-5; John 10:12-13). When leaders falter and fail, pray for them, but do not follow them into error (I Cor. 5).

There is an edification and building of the body under godly leaders who gently lead the flock (Isa. 40:10-11). Others scatter and bring confusion, dividing the flock needlessly (Jer. 23:1-2).

When a leader is GOD-called he sees himself as only the under-shepherd of GOD’s sheep with a call to keep himself totally committed to THE LORD (Psalms 100:3; 23:1; Ezek. 34:23; Ex. 34:30-31; I Cor. 7:23; I Peter 5:4). A self-appointed leader is a hireling (John 10) and considers the sheep as his property to be sheared for his benefit.

In a group cursed with false leaders, there will be false teachings on: submission to authority (with a loyalty foreign to scripture and without the provision for growth and development); divine order; individuality; the kingdom of GOD; and becoming deity. Psychic and occult powers may be presented in the guise of spiritual gifts from THE LORD. False prophecy which does not come to pass and financial exploitation will flourish. Pride and exclusiveness in the group will be fostered and deliberate divisions will be caused from families and from other Christians. There will be a widespread and thinly veiled use of fear as a weapon of control and the group will be periodically shaken by moral lapses, many condoned by the leadership.


There is a strange hold that many weird cults have on thousands of ensnared young people which is through demonic control spirits. In the name of liberty, they have opened the door for terrible bondage (II Peter 2:19-20).

Some of the most well-known are: Children of God; Unification, International Society of Krishna Consciousness; Forever Family; The Mission; The Process; Scintillate; Love Israel; The Assembly; The Body; The Farm; The Way, etc.

Deeply craving and seeking peer approval, a disciplined life and a better world than the one they see, these youngsters do not realize how easily they can be deceived. Knowing the vulnerability of the group, unscrupulous promoters work zealously to exploit them and their unspoken cry, I am important, please notice me.

In the beginning, the approach is always warm, friendly and accepting. Chanting is often used to focus attention and limit peripheral vision.

The cruelty, selfishness and egotism of the leaders is unbelievable. Many are Jezebellian women, some are charismatic witches. Others are vicious and unprincipled men, depraved and driven to excesses.

JESUS said, Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32). Paul admonished believers not to be entangled again in the yoke of bondage (Gal. 5:1). GOD’s people are to be peculiar (I Peter 2:9; Titus 2:13) but that peculiarity is to be found in the fact that they are zealous of good works and seek to honor GOD’S NAME.


Because of the prevalence of religious cults which have destroyed thousands, perhaps the identifying characteristics of them should be repeated. The more of these practices which are in evidence, the more cultic and demonic the organization is. Cultic systems have one or more of the following:

  1. Deceptive Christology
  2. Extra Biblical revelations
  3. Translocal totalitarian authority in leadership
  4. Babylonian pyramidal control of the followers
  5. Semi-secret sessions for teaching followers
  6. Exclusivism or cronyism
  7. Semantic juggling or a text out of context used toprovefalse doctrines and concepts.
  8. Punishment and reward motivation or control of behavior and attitudes through ruthless use of fear.
  9. Denunciation of others, particularly of those who question or deny cults.

10.Separation and isolation of followers from their families and friends, and the formation of communal living cells to facilitate centralized control and enforce obedience.


We are warned of false prophets and teachers (Matt. 7:15-27; Mark 13:22; Acts 20:28-32; II Tim. 4:3-4; I John 4:1-3; II Peter 2:1).

Many claiming to give prophetic words are not from THE LORD. Believers, newly saved, and often with liturgical church, or no church or biblical background, are swayed by these charlatans.

Satan specialized in deception, is very subtle and often appears as a religious angel of light. Author of confusion and father of lies, he can also come as a roaring lion (John 8:44; I Cor. 14:33; II Cor. 13:15).

Supernatural gifts and miracles of healing do not guarantee the genuineness of a work. False leaders often are very sincere, and may themselves be deceived about what they are doing. They also can manifest supernatural gifts (Matt. 7:22-23). False workers emphasize physical sensations, emotional experiences and employ worldly wisdom which is earthly, sensual and devilish (demonic) (James 3:15). All this de-emphasizes CHRIST and produces a drift away from Him in search of more thrilling sensual experiences.

False love can be spotted because it is limited to a special group and snares participants into bondage. Leaders of such groups claims exclusive authority and revelations of knowledge, but submit themselves to no authority for review or correction.

Groups such as this often adopt distinctive names, identifying them as the one true representative of CHRIST on earth. The groups are marked by confusion, and always followers are pressured by harsh and condemnatory demands. Situation ethics such as the end justifies the means are employed frequently.

Marks of counterfeit groups may include one or more of the following errors:

  1. Presenting another JESUS, spirit or gospel (Gal. 1:6; II Tim. 4:3; II Cor. 11:4). Sometimes loyalty to the group is more important than loyalty to JESUS.
  2. Denial of virgin birth, the blood, the work of the cross and the existence of sin.
  3. They may go overboard literalizing Scriptures such ashate your mother and father(Luke 14:26).
  4. Some press the return of CHRIST to an extreme which creates apathy and laziness (II Thes. 3:10-11).
  5. Use of isolated Scriptures to build doctrines, ignoring the context.
  6. Some are anti-Semitic and are spiritualists masquerading as Christians.
  7. Some overemphasize the Old Testament and neglect the New Testament message of the cross and the blood.


Currently popularized on T.V. and in the movies, this deadly art, under several titles, has gained widespread acceptance in every strata of our society. Combined with the moral training of Zen Buddhism, its purpose was to develop Sumurai warriors.

Today Karate is often taught in conjunction with various forms of transcendental meditation (similar to Yoga) to psych up the students to heights of greater effectiveness. This puts it in the category of an occult religious exercise and makes it extremely dangerous.

JESUS warns in Matthew 26:52 that those who resort to the sword (violence) will die that way. Ephesians 6 speaks of wrestling not with flesh and blood but with spiritual adversaries. I Corinthians 10:3-4 continues in the vein and in Luke 10:19 Christians are given authority over their enemies by the empowering of the Holy Spirit.

Since Karate is heavily involved in the occult, those who dabble with it will bring curses upon themselves and upon their descendants to the third and fourth generations. (Deut. 6:8;7:25-26; 11:28; 12:3; 13:6-10) (Worship of Idols).


Most people are unaware that much of the incense sold in curio and novelty shops was manufactured by devotees of the Hare Krishna cult. Their wares are dedicated to this demon god of the Hindus and can cause much trouble.

There on the package of incense was the picture of Hindu deity, Hare Krishna and on the back was printed the Hare Krishna chant with instructions on how to get in touch with the infinite.

Win Worley’s daughter uttered a short shriek and collapsed straight to the floor – landing in the yoga lotus position!


Please forgive me. I forgive my ancestors and anyone else who has had spiritual authority over me for participating in any form of: False Religious Cults, Practices, Works and Teachings, Martial Arts and Catholicism including:

  1. Lodges, societies and social agencies using the BIBLE AND GOD as a basis, but omitting the BLOOD ATONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST.
  2. Cults that deny THE BLOOD OF CHRIST.
  3. Philosophies that deny THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST.
  4. Books, literature, music and anything dealing with false religions.
  5. False doctrines studied, believed and taught.
  6. Unrighteous practices engaged in.
  7. I ask these things in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST: LORD, MASTER AND SAVIOR.Amen.



Many demons come in through family background, curses and inheritance. There must be legal grounds or holds to open a person to attack.


Jehovah’s Witnesses Christian Science Rosicrucianism

Theosophy Urantia Subud

Latihan Unity Mormonism

Bahaism Unitarianism Children of God

Unification Forever Family The Mission

The Process Scientology Love Israel

The Assembly The Body The Farm

The Way Spiritualism Swedenborgianism

Christodelphianism Inner Peace Movement Edgar Cayce

Jean Dixon Arthur Ford Ruth Montgomery

Eckankar Herbert Armstrong Eastern Star

Freemasonry Seventh-Day Adventism Mary Baker Eddy

Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship

Association for Research and Enlightenment

Religious Research Foundation of America

Practices and Teachings

Ritualism Formalism Legalism

Doctrinal Obsession Seduction Doctrinal Error

Fear of God Fear of Hell Religiosity

Reincarnation Demonic Healing Groups Astral Projection

Chanting Charismatic Witches Soul Travel

Karma Idol Worship Incense

Yoga (Lotus) Fear of Lost Salvation Cult Book Reading

Bloodline – Cult lies Transcendental Meditation Consecration

Deception Baptismal Regeneration Good Works

Metaphysics Jesus Only Predestination

Holy Ghost Fear Psychocybernetics Jerking


Clearing House – Cult Control

Varied Studies in Cults

Evolution Studying and Teaching

Eastern Religion Interest and Study

Martial Arts

Karate Ushito Lust (Asmodeus)

Kung Fu Ki-Ya Fighting

Judo Hatha Yoga Rage

Tae Kinon Do Iketo Suicide

Jiap Destruction (Osmodeus) Enter The Dragon

Acupuncture Way of The Dragon Masochism

Remedial Message Game of Death Meditation

Herbal Remedies Murder Hypnosis

Kung Fu-Wu-Su Hate False Honor

Kata Violence

False Religions

Buddhism Taoism Hinduism

Islam Shintoism Confucianism

Hare Krishna Zen Buddhism I Ching

Indian Fakir Krishna Consciousness Catholicism



Candles Catholic Hymns Saints (by name)

Dedication to Saints Confessional Confession to Priest

Confirmation Fear of Priest Holy Eucharist

Lourdes Fatima Incense

Mariolatry Fear of Excommunication Obedience to Priest

One Holy Priesthood One True Church One Only Church

Prayers to Saints Pope Queen of Heaven

Queen of Peace Queen of Righteousness Spirits of Babylon

Angel Worship Idolatry Medals

Miraculous Medal Scapulars Feast Days

Assumption Easter Bunny Santa Claus

Hail Mary Sign of the Cross Way of the Cross

Masochism Infant Baptism Penance

First Communion Extreme Unction Mariology-Study

Rosary-Buddhism Holy Water Missals

Catechisms Titles of Mary Mother of God

Great Harlot Nimrod Tammuz

Knights of Columbus Holy Mother Church Statues (by name)

Sacred Heart Lady of Mt. Carmel Worship of Host

Immaculate Conception Anti-Christ Christmas Infant of Prague

Our Lady of Guadelupe Glory be Ejaculations Catholic Matrimony

Semiramis Veneration of Crucifix Celebrating Mass

Spirit of Death Stoicism Sadism

Masochism Eucharistic Devotion False Confession

False Orders False Devotions Religious Deception

False Confirmation False Vows False Obedience

Virgins (by name) False Ordination False Tongues

False Visions False Dreams False Prophecy

False Preaching False Celibacy

Anti-Christ with Power and Strength Harmoniousness – Loss of Salvation

Consecration to Mary as a Slave Veneration of Pope, Bishops, Priests

Magic of Seven Sacraments Necromancy – Praying to the Dead

False Salvation Doctrine False Baptism in Holy Spirit

Ordination to Priesthood Pleanry and Partial Indulgences

Mediatrix of all Graces Receiving and Administering Sacraments

Going to and Hearing Confessions Consecrating and Adoring the Host

Prayers and Novenas to Saints Blind Obedience to Superiors

Doctrine of Transubstantiation Spirit of Man in Black Suit

Obedience to the Priesthood False Laying on of Hands

False Religious Authority Religious Mind Control

Veneration of Relics, Tabernacles, Chalice

False Anointings of Baptism and Confirmation

Praying, Kissing, Bowing and Incensing Relics

Making Vows of Obedience, Chastity and Poverty and Breaking Them

Religious Works

Works Religion Good Works Unbelief

Doubt Another Jesus False Tongues

False Baptism False Gifts False Divining Healing

False Dreams False Prophecy False Prophets

False Hope False Joy False Testimony

False Visions False Holiness Hypocrisy

Holy Ground Holy Roller Poison Drinking

Snake Handling Passing Thru The Fire Woman Preacher

False Purity False Virginity Snake Venom

Shaking – Inside and Outside


These books and other books on religions can be obtained from Chick Publications, Chino, California:

50 Years in the Church of Rome (Catholic).

The Priest, The Woman, and the Confessional (Catholic).




  • Reply November 23, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    there SO MANY hyper FREE grace being one of them

    Practices and Teachings
    Martial Arts
    False Religions
    Religious Works

  • Isara Mo
    Reply November 27, 2019

    Isara Mo

    Most will avoid this….not even touch it because religious spirits are all over the place…not to mention religious errors..
    An ugly woman can have the courage to look into the mirror and accept the fact that she is ugly: a religious man has the audacity to look into the mirror and beat his chest and say “I have GOD”
    What righteousness

    • Reply November 27, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      you are quite correct my old african demon casting friend

      let us ALL note there Jezebel was mainly a theological error before turning into a power abuse and church take over

      ALL problems of churches in REV 2-3 are mainly theological I have a GREAT study by a foreign author WHO has compared the problems and solutions of the 7 churches and they are first leadership failure second theological error produces thereof and finally come down to deepening problems of worship and identity Could post if interested Joe Absher William DeArteaga Steve Phifer

    • Steve Phifer
      Reply November 27, 2019

      Steve Phifer

      Always interested…

    • Reply November 27, 2019

      Varnel Watson

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