LIVE: Dr. Estrelda Alexander at Azusa Lectures

Watch Live (Media) Charles Page [10/27/2015 7:05 PM]Timothy Carter, wave in the camera for me!!! Charles Page [10/27/2015 7:07 PM] Charles Page [10/27/2015 7:29…

Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirming Israel’s commitment!

Benjamin Netanyahu – ?????? ?????? reaffirming Israel’s commitment! John Kissinger [10/26/2015 8:28 PM] Alan N Carla Smith [10/27/2015 9:23 AM]ABBA Father keep your hand…

This is theology in action

This is theology in action: all this talk of this frankly theoretical subject if predestination applies in how we regard Islamic terrorists. Are they…

3 heavenly commodities

In these three heavenly commodities we have set forth the regenerating power of God, the sanctifying’ blood of the Son, and the mighty baptism with…

The Quest for Noah’s Ark

Link Hudson [10/26/2015 5:10 PM]I’ve got an online acquaintence I’ve interacted with for about 20 years who believes NAMI found the ark several years…


WATER BAPTISM in SIBERIA John Kissinger [10/24/2015 8:21 PM]This is instant sanctification in my book any day! Charles Page [10/24/2015 8:23 PM]are they speaking…