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Do you sense it? Do you feel it in your spirit? Fresh winds are blowing of Holy Spirit outpouring.

The Lord’s amazing eternal plan, the final chapter of this age, is coming together as multitudes of believers everywhere are being led deeper that they might hear His call and live in His strength.

As we enter a new year, a new decade, it is all coming to a head. Let us redeem the time and waste no more of our lives. It is so easy to focus on the trivial and think small. Raise your eyes to the heavens, then start thinking big. Let the Lord energize you for the time at hand. Stir the embers of the Spirit within you to holy flame. It is time!

There has been much prayer, much repentance, much change of hearts, and   as sons and daughters of God to reach the world. We have been in preparation, learning to walk in faith for overcoming in the holiness that only comes from Him.

Jesus hasn’t brought you through for nothing – come on board

Still hidden in this darkening world, we are soon to be made manifested as lights in this world, bringing it the light and love of Jesus like never before.
Be sure to come on board now. Jesus hasn’t brought you through it all for nothing. You may not think so, but you are important to the Body of Christ. Put your self-doubt aside and receive it by faith. You are needed. You may not feel it, but you are a carrier of His glory. Trust Him to work it out as you step out.
Step into your destiny now. He needs your vision, your heart, your gifts, the latent blessing of Christ in you, truly the hope of glory, during this momentous time that is unfolding before us.
Revivals, awakenings, movements have come and gone or lost their power. But I sense a determination in God’s people. The determination of God Himself, that this last Great Worldwide Awakening will not fail, but make disciples everywhere and bring in the harvest, setting the stage for Him to return in glory.
Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus.

Ray E Horton

Serving the Lord as encourager, reconciler, intercessor and prophetic teacher of God's Word, primarily in person and on Facebook, as well as writer and editor. Beyond, or as part of, the Ministry of Reconciliation that we are all called to, I am serving the Lord and His people as a minister of prayer at a local church, and encouraging the brethren locally among people I know, and worldwide on Facebook


  • Reply December 31, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    THANK YOU Ray E Horton GREAT end of 2019 message for the upcoming 2020 //GOD BLESS US ALL

  • Joe Absher
    Reply December 31, 2019

    Joe Absher

    “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
    – Albert Einstein

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