
No analogy can prove the TRINITY?

There’s a doctrine going around at the moment that says “no analogy can prove the trinity, and no one could ever understand the trinity”. I just…

Dealing with DAKE’s Teachings

Dealing with Biblically-Incorrect Heretical Teachings: Death Before Adam Sinned, Two Creations, and the Other Theological Heresies of Old-Earth Apologist Finis Jennings Dake According to…

Jesus and the Rabbis

Jesus and the Rabbis

This week we discuss the course The Stories of Jewish Christ: Among the Rabbis with professor Pinchas Shir. How does Jesus earn the title rabbi? What does that mean about the responsibility of the students? What are the early rabbinic sources …

Evolution VS God Movie

Evolution VS God Movie (Watch Evolutionists and Their Misguided Students Fall All Over Themselves…) Stan Wayne [03/15/2016 8:40 AM] Or Microevolution vs. Macroevolution

Agree more than we disagree

I have found that we, believers in and followers of Jesus, often agree more than we disagree. Admittedly some of our disagreements are significant…

Churches in the British Commonwealth

Today we want to pick up on the churches in the British Commonwealth. August 21, we covered the spread of Christianity to England.…