the the bus stop the bus stop

“Wisdom crieth without; SHE UTTERETH HER VOICE IN THE STREETS:”– Proverbs 1:20   Father’s leave their baby’s mamma at the bus stop. And the…

Call to be a Missionary

Call to be a Missionary speaks with Dave Johnson about the publication of his book, Answering God’s Call: Reflections of a Veteran Missionary in Asia.   Pneuma Review: Please tell our readers how you came to understand that the Lord was calling you into missions. Dave Johnson: I was in the Navy when God called me to the ministry. […]

Usage of the word "Replenish" in Genesis 1:28

Usage of the word "Replenish" in Genesis 1:28

Why in the Genesis narrative does God use the word REPLENISH when he tasks Adam with the responsibility of earth? There was no lifeform before creation of Adam , Eve and other lifeforms. So why did Adam have to REPLENISH?

Replenish by de…