
More than Just a Candle in the Wind :: By Edwin Tan

More than Just a Candle in the Wind :: By Edwin Tan

Ideology has been and still is the devil’s sledgehammer of torment against the Body of Believers. Totalitarian regimes base their actions against specific groups of individuals that run counter to their ideology. The woke ideology has, of late, been the driving force behind the persecution of people who stick to the inerrant Word of God. […]

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Why Is the Rapture Index So Higher Than Others?

Why Is the Rapture Index So Higher Than Others?

Why Is the Rapture Index Not Higher? One of the most common questions Terry and I get about the site is people wanting to know why the Rapture Index doesn’t go any higher. It has peaked in the upper 180s for several years. The general thinking is that as we get closer to the tribulation […]

The post 10 Oct 2022 appeared first on Rapture Ready.