The Dark Side Of Prayer For Healing
PNEUMA 36 (2014) 204–225 The Dark Side of Prayer for Healing Toward a Theology of Well-Being Shane Clifton* Alphacrucis College, Sydney, Australia Shane.Clifton@ac.edu.au Abstract…
PNEUMA 36 (2014) 204–225 The Dark Side of Prayer for Healing Toward a Theology of Well-Being Shane Clifton* Alphacrucis College, Sydney, Australia Shane.Clifton@ac.edu.au Abstract…
A lot of people like me who grew up in the 1960s and 1970s have fond memories of what was on prime-time television. One common denominator was blazing like a shining torch – good always triumphed over evil. Be it a cop show, cowboy western, or wartime actioner – the bad guys always emerged the […]
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book reviews 377 Steven Félix-Jäger With God on Our Side(Eugene,or: Wipf & Stock, 2017). x + 172 pp. $24.00 paperback. In 1972, Larry Norman…
Booklet #1 in Win Worley’s Deliverance Series TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SEX PERVERSION 1. Scripture 2. Definitions 3. Comments 2. DEMONS THAT BREAK UP…
LEARNING OUR IDENTITY IN Christ, this side of heaven. Becoming A Follower of His in our Lifestyle. Discipleship… 🙂 ..
UN says Jesus baptized on Jordan’s side of river, not Israel’s Twink [07/17/2015 1:56 AM] Of course UN would. John Wayne Adkins [08/01/2015 11:56…