
The Dark Side Of Prayer For Healing

The Dark Side Of Prayer For Healing

PNEUMA 36 (2014) 204–225 The Dark Side of Prayer for Healing Toward a Theology of Well-Being Shane Clifton* Alphacrucis College, Sydney, Australia Abstract…

With God On Our Side

With God On Our Side

book reviews 377 Steven Félix-Jäger With God on Our Side(Eugene,or: Wipf & Stock, 2017). x + 172 pp. $24.00 paperback. In 1972, Larry Norman…

The Devilish Side of Sex

Booklet #1 in Win Worley’s Deliverance Series TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SEX PERVERSION 1. Scripture 2. Definitions 3. Comments 2. DEMONS THAT BREAK UP…