
The Upper Room Prophecy :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard

The Upper Room Prophecy :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard

John 14:1-3 The Synoptic Gospels, those written by Matthew, Mark, and Luke, with their similarities in content and narrative, all present the apocalyptic teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ as He met with His disciples across from Jerusalem upon the Mount of Olives. Each Gospel describes troubling and horrific times to come that will affect […]

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Beyond the Upper Room: Part 1: By Dr. Donald Whitchard

Beyond the Upper Room: Part 1: By Dr. Donald Whitchard

The Promised Empowerment of the Holy Spirit Matthew 16:13-19, John 16:5-15, Acts 1:1-11, Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 24:44-49 Summary: The Second Chapter of Acts describes the birth of the church in accordance with the declaration of the Lord Jesus (Matthew 16:13-19). Acts shows the power and direction of the Holy Spirit in the work of the […]

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Revealed in the Upper Room: The Church :: By Paul J. Scharf

Revealed in the Upper Room: The Church :: By Paul J. Scharf

As we’ve entered into Palm Sunday and Passion Week, it is appropriate that we focus our attention on the discourse that Jesus gave His disciples in the Upper Room—most of it after Judas left (John 13:30)—on the night before His death. I asserted in the previous installment that Jesus took this opportunity to reveal many […]

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Beyond the Upper Room: Wind, Fire, & Word :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard

Beyond the Upper Room: Wind, Fire, & Word :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard

John 3:8, Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:1-4, Genesis 11:6, Exodus 13:21 Summary: The arrival of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost was with wind, fire, and the Word of God that would change the world. At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s promised Messiah and Savior of humanity. On […]

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Vengeance Cometh – Make Room :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

Vengeance Cometh – Make Room :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

*There is a special message at the end of this article.* The signs of the times clearly indicate the Day of the Lord is fast approaching. During this fateful time, great judgment (vengeance) will befall all who reject Christ. God has made it abundantly clear that He is fully capable of meting out this vengeance […]

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