
The Battle: Christian, Please Don’t Give Up :: By Keith Watts

The Battle: Christian, Please Don’t Give Up :: By Keith Watts

The link to the message is below. Pastor, preacher, Evangelist, Bible student, missionary, born-again Christian, please don’t give up. The finish line is in front of us. Things are getting worse and worse by the moment. If and when you have time to slow down and think about what is going on around the […]

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Having An Altar (Prayer Closet) At Home :: By Keith Watts

Having An Altar (Prayer Closet) At Home :: By Keith Watts

The link to the message is below Matthew 6:6 “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” Jesus said, “enter into thy closet.” I am talking about […]

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Just Sharing With You What is on My Heart :: By Keith Watts

Just Sharing With You What is on My Heart :: By Keith Watts

“Prayer warriors have entered countries that their feet never have entered and never will enter.” – Leonard Ravenhill Heavenly Father, I pray that you will open up the spiritual eyes of pastors, preachers and Christians around the world to join with us in this worldwide prayer movement and for the sake of over 701,619,718 precious […]

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Russia, Iran, & Turkey Have No Chance Against God :: By Keith Watts

Russia, Iran, & Turkey Have No Chance Against God :: By Keith Watts

The title of this message is “Israel Will Be Attacked by a Massive Army from the North Soon.” The link is below. I put this message on Rapture Ready over a year ago. The article was to the Israeli officials. This article is about the message that I preached. I will be sending this […]

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My Story :: By Keith Watts

My Story :: By Keith Watts

The Lord has helped me pass through the largest storm I have ever been through in my life. This storm started on March 16, 2015. My wife Jenni had the first of three major gut surgeries within six weeks. Her doctor told her last December 2021 that the surgeon had destroyed her stomach and bowels. […]

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No IDF Soldier Has to Die in the Gog and Magog War :: By Keith Watts

No IDF Soldier Has to Die in the Gog and Magog War :: By Keith Watts

The link to the message is below. Back in January 2022, I had written an article about this message, but it was to the Israeli Government. The article had very little about the message in it. This article that I am writing today is all about the message that I preached. The title of […]

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