
Wrong End-Times Prophecy View in Churches :: By Jonathan Brentner

Wrong End-Times Prophecy View in Churches :: By Jonathan Brentner

The church is the body of Christ with Jesus as its Head; it does not operate as a kingdom in this present world. And it’s most certainly not the restored kingdom of Israel. As redeemed saints, God has transferred us from Satan’s domain to His invisible kingdom (Colossians 1:13-14). This is true; we now belong […]

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Results of Divorcing the Rapture from the Gospel :: By Jonathan Brentner

Results of Divorcing the Rapture from the Gospel :: By Jonathan Brentner

Somewhere in the past, a tragic divorce occurred; theologians decided we must separate the return of Jesus for His church from the proclamation of the Gospel. The results of this untimely divorce have led to a dearth of understanding among believers regarding Jesus’ appearing and the joyful anticipation that comes with such awareness. Confused believers […]

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Don’t Be Dismayed: Jesus Is Coming for Us Soon :: By Jonathan Brentner

Don’t Be Dismayed: Jesus Is Coming for Us Soon :: By Jonathan Brentner

For many of us, this past September was a “high watch” period. It’s certainly not that we set dates or place a limit as to when the Rapture must occur, but everything seemed to be falling in place for Jesus to appear during the past Feast of Trumpets. We watched with eager expectation of meeting […]

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Biblical Necessity of a Third Jewish Temple :: By Jonathan Brentner

Biblical Necessity of a Third Jewish Temple :: By Jonathan Brentner

The third Jewish temple has been in the planning stage for three decades. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has completed all its furnishings with the exception of the Ark of the Covenant for which they claim to know the location of the original one. The institute is currently training Levites to serve as priests in […]

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Israel’s Future Restoration & Our Glorious Hope :: By Jonathan Brentner

Israel’s Future Restoration & Our Glorious Hope :: By Jonathan Brentner

“Israel’s future guarantees our salvation.” Amir Tsarfati began his sermon with these words while speaking a few years ago at Calvary Chapel Church in Kaneohe, Hawaii, JD Farag’s church. As I listened to his message and thought about his startling claim, I realized his assertion was totally correct. In my book, The Triumph of the […]

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I’m a Misfit at Church, Are You? :: By Jonathan Brentner

I’m a Misfit at Church, Are You? :: By Jonathan Brentner

It seems to be an annual rite of passage in many Bible-believing churches. As summer draws to a close, pastors assure the faithful that their church remains committed to the Great Commission. It’s the mission of the church, and thus everyone must help fill the building with people in the coming year. Please know that […]

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12 Signs the World is Running Out of Normal :: By Jonathan Brentner

12 Signs the World is Running Out of Normal :: By Jonathan Brentner

Many people say that today is no different than any other time in history. “Sure, things look bad now, but this was also the case during World Wars I and II. Things have a way of working out so that things eventually return to some semblance of normal.” I understand why so many question Jesus’ […]

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Don’t Be Deceived: The Rapture Happens First :: By Jonathan Brentner

Don’t Be Deceived: The Rapture Happens First :: By Jonathan Brentner

As the world moves closer to another world war, which may include nuclear weapons, some speculate that the Tribulation period has already begun. Others grow weary of waiting for the Lord’s return. How much longer will Jesus keep us on earth before He comes for us? Is He really going to keep us out of […]

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Popular But Dangerous View of the End Times :: By Jonathan Brentner

Popular But Dangerous View of the End Times :: By Jonathan Brentner

It’s perhaps the most significant question one can ask today regarding biblical prophecy. The inquiry draws a line in the sand, with each group holding fast to what they believe. The question is this: Will the Lord restore a glorious kingdom to Israel during Jesus’ thousand-year reign upon the earth? Most pastors today would answer […]

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