
Isolate from Culture or Fight It?

Isolate from Culture or Fight It?

Pinchas Shir talks about the Essenes in this episode, but if you want more details, enroll in our course  The Shadow of the Essenes in the New Testament. We spend this episode talking about why the Essenes refused to worship at the Temple in J…

The end of the world…or is it?

The end of the world…or is it?

What is apocalyptic literature and how does it change the way we read Revelation? What were the cultural developments that birthed the apocalyptic genre, and is that genre a Greco-Roman or Jewish style of literature? This week we talk about th…

It’s All About Being a Good Person: Or Is It? :: By Candy Austin

It’s All About Being a Good Person: Or Is It? :: By Candy Austin

In light of some recent celebrity deaths, the subject of one’s personhood during their lifetime tends to come into focus. I admit that I often try to look up and find out what their religion, faith, and/or beliefs were in trying to assess the one of two places they may be spending their eternity. Matthew […]

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