
God’s Remedy for Earth’s 7,000 Languages

God’s Remedy for Earth’s 7,000 Languages

Worldwide, more than 7,000 languages are spoken in 195 different countries (Genesis 11:7). Wonderfully, the Bible—or portions of it—has been translated into more than 3,000 of these tongues; in some form. Christians are found in most of the nationalities. They dress differently, speak a myriad of languages, and worship in their own cultural ways. Even […]

God’s ‘Garbage’:: By Edwin Tan

God’s ‘Garbage’:: By Edwin Tan

Perceptions, preferences, biases, affinities and aversions are inescapable facets of being human. A summation of all these characteristics produces mindsets; some can be subtle, while others do stand out prominently. Everyone has a distinct way of looking at things, so much for variations in opinions. There may be areas of commonality, but do not expect […]

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Feasting at God’s Table

Feasting at God’s Table

Food shapes culture and identity, so what did it mean for the Israelites to gather and feast at God’s table? This week professor Pinchas Shir and I discuss food and the Bible with a focus on feasting with God and the development of Kosher laws…

God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity & the Universe :: By David Cogburn

God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity & the Universe :: By David Cogburn

Book review by Terry James I’m always interested in any writing effort that touches young people—particularly teens and young adults. This volume does exactly that as a testimonial at the conclusion of the review will attest. The theme of David Cogburn’s book is relationship, and it’s all about how to have an intimate, personal relationship […]

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The United States and God’s Judgment :: By Michael Hile

The United States and God’s Judgment :: By Michael Hile

Is the United States mentioned in Bible prophecy? Perhaps the two most frequently asked questions when Bible prophecy is brought up involve the role of the United States in the end times. Specifically, people want to know if the United States is mentioned in Bible prophecy and when God will judge America. The United States […]

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