Theistic Evolution?
John Kissinger [12/04/2015 8:46 AM]In Persona Christi; Reflections on Priestly Identity and Holiness http://www.amazon.com/Persona-Reflections-Priestly-Identity-Holiness/dp/0870293087
John Kissinger [12/04/2015 8:46 AM]In Persona Christi; Reflections on Priestly Identity and Holiness http://www.amazon.com/Persona-Reflections-Priestly-Identity-Holiness/dp/0870293087
The Church of God movement has evolved since it started in 1886. It began when former Baptist minister Richard Spurling and his son, Richard…
Anyone here believe in the theory of evolution?
Evolution VS God Movie (Watch Evolutionists and Their Misguided Students Fall All Over Themselves…) Stan Wayne [03/15/2016 8:40 AM] Or Microevolution vs. Macroevolution