
Vengeance Is Not for Us, Rejoicing Is.

Vengeance Is Not for Us, Rejoicing Is.

As the times grow ever more, uh, ‘challenging’, take time to reflect. Like medicine for the soul, reading and reflecting upon the Psalms can have a calming effect. It can be cathartic. I’m sure it was for David as he was writing at least some of his. T…

Robert Menzies: The End of History

Robert Menzies: The End of History

Robert P. Menzies, The End of History: Pentecostals and a Fresh Approach to the Apocalypse (ACPT Press, 2022), 207 pages, ISBN 9780578361161. In recent years, there have been several books from Pentecostal/Charismatic scholars challenging what has been the traditional—or default—pre-Tribulation, pre-millennial view of the end times within many P/C circles. Among these are Daniel Isgrigg’s […]

“By Your Pharmakeia Were All the Nations Misled”

“By Your Pharmakeia Were All the Nations Misled”

[See Part II] In Scripture, as in all literature, a word takes on meaning only in its specific context. But sometimes the immediate context (sentence, paragraph) does not shed enough light to provide precise meaning. In such instances, broadening the s…

Which Head was "Wounded Unto Death" and healed?

Which Head was "Wounded Unto Death" and healed?

In Revelation 13:1 (KJV), we see a picture of

… a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Yet in vs 3, we find:

And I saw one of…

Who is the Whore of Babylon?

Who is the Whore of Babylon?

Who is the Whore of Babylon mentioned in the Bible especially in Revelation?

“a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous
names, and it had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in
purple and scarlet, and ad…

The Holy Spirit And Eschatology

The Holy Spirit And Eschatology

THE HOLY SPIRIT AND ESCHATOLOGY by J. Rodman Williams This article on “The Holy Spirit and Eschatology” was written by Melodyland School of Theology…