
America in Danger: The Political mirage of the Left: Anti-Americanism

The Fundamental Transformation of America

On Oct. 30, 2008, Pres. candidate Barack Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” When Joe Biden took office in 2020 (legally or illegally), he filled several positions in his administration with former Obama aides. Now, the fundamental transformation of America is almost complete. Concerning world government […]

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Marching Forward :: By Daymond Duck

Marching Forward :: By Daymond Duck

On Mar. 8, 2023, LifeSiteNews posted an article by Tom Parker that said, “The World Health Organization (WHO) is marching forward with its plans to make amendments to the International Health Regulations.” Parker said, “Some politicians have opposed the proposed amendments to the IHR, but this opposition has yet to prevent the WHO from moving […]

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Hallelujah! :: By Daymond Duck

Hallelujah! :: By Daymond Duck

Passover was approaching, and Jesus was headed to Jerusalem, where He would die on the cross (Matt. 26:17-19; 26-30). He stopped just outside the city at a small town called Bethany. One of His Disciples asked, “Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover?” Peter sent James and John to a […]

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Hallelujah! :: By Daymond Duck

Hallelujah! :: By Daymond Duck

Passover was approaching, and Jesus was headed to Jerusalem, where He would die on the cross (Matt. 26:17-19; 26-30). He stopped just outside the city at a small town called Bethany. One of His Disciples asked, “Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover?” Peter sent James and John to a […]

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Global Tracking and Computerized Censorship :: By Daymond Duck

Global Tracking and Computerized Censorship :: By Daymond Duck

It was recently reported that the World Economic Forum (WEF) wants a system of people and Artificial Intelligence (AI; computers that are programmed to think like humans) to track and censor “misinformation” and “hate speech” all over the world. According to the report, Twitter only monitors information on Twitter; Facebook only monitors information on Facebook; […]

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