
God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity & the Universe :: By David Cogburn

God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity & the Universe :: By David Cogburn

Book review by Terry James I’m always interested in any writing effort that touches young people—particularly teens and young adults. This volume does exactly that as a testimonial at the conclusion of the review will attest. The theme of David Cogburn’s book is relationship, and it’s all about how to have an intimate, personal relationship […]

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The 9 Wars of the End Times :: By Dr. David R. Reagan

The 9 Wars of the End Times :: By Dr. David R. Reagan

Book review by Terry James Anyone who’s heard Dr. David Reagan speak on Bible prophecy understands when I say he has very few peers and no superiors in the ability to hold one’s attention. The same can be said about reading this great teacher’s writings on biblical eschatology. His scholarship is deeper than most any […]

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David as Blameless: 2 Samuel 22:23-25

David as Blameless: 2 Samuel 22:23-25

For all His ordinances were before me, and as for His statues, I did not depart from them.
I was also blameless toward Him, and I kept myself from my iniquity. (2 Samuel 22:23-24 NASB)

We know David was not blameless in the literal…

Pentecost, King David, and Rejected Corner Stones

Pentecost, King David, and Rejected Corner Stones

Last week we talked about the obviously Jewish saturated context of Acts 1-5. We concluded noting the insider language Peter used when he quotes from the prophet Joel. But Peter also uses the Psalms. I wanted to start the conversation this wee…

On the Biblical Significance of Five

On the Biblical Significance of Five

In Genesis 43:34, we learn that Benjamin was served five times as much food as his brothers were.
Later, in Gen. 45:22, we read that Joseph, instead of giving Benjamin "a change" of clothes, as he did his other brothers, gave him…