Patrick Oden, It’s A Dance Moving With The Holy Spirit (Newberg, Ore. Barclay Press, 2007). Xv + 274 Pp.
460 Book Reviews / Pneuma 32 (2010) 431-473 Patrick Oden, It’s a Dance: Moving with the Holy Spirit (Newberg, Ore.: Barclay Press, 2007). xv…
460 Book Reviews / Pneuma 32 (2010) 431-473 Patrick Oden, It’s a Dance: Moving with the Holy Spirit (Newberg, Ore.: Barclay Press, 2007). xv…
James K. A. Smith It can be a little intimidating in a Reformed context to admit that one is Pentecostal. It’s a bit like…
Church Appropriate Dance Moves Countdown from Church Fuel on Vimeo.