
Popular But Dangerous View of the End Times :: By Jonathan Brentner

Popular But Dangerous View of the End Times :: By Jonathan Brentner

It’s perhaps the most significant question one can ask today regarding biblical prophecy. The inquiry draws a line in the sand, with each group holding fast to what they believe. The question is this: Will the Lord restore a glorious kingdom to Israel during Jesus’ thousand-year reign upon the earth? Most pastors today would answer […]

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According to the Bible where are Palestinians supposed to live? [closed]

where are Palestinians supposed to live

My question got blocked on gotquestions but I really want to know where are Palestinians supposed to live? (please be open minded my question is just a question not a debate) I believe they are ishmaels decendents, they didn’t have a prom…

Tribulation Saints: Care for His Sheep :: By Lisa Heaton

Tribulation Saints: Care for His Sheep :: By Lisa Heaton

In my previous article, Tribulation Saints: Unborn-Again Sheep, we allowed our hearts to consider those who would call upon the name of Jesus during the tribulation as our someday family. In doing so, they become real, living, breathing people to us rather than a group we safely call from a distance “the left behind.” Once […]

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What are the strophes of Psalm 37?

What are the strophes of Psalm 37?

I’m reading VanGemeren’s commentary about Psalms. He says that Psalm 37 is an alphabetic acrostic organized in 22 strophes, which seems not to follow a logical progression of thought. I wonder what verses compose each strophe.

The End of the Age: From Firstfruits to Hanukkah :: By Randy Nettles

The End of the Age: From Firstfruits to Hanukkah :: By Randy Nettles

In 539 BC, Daniel the prophet was still in Babylon and was reading the prophecy of Jeremiah regarding the 70-year captivity. Realizing the 70 years were nearing completion, Daniel began to pray, asking God’s forgiveness for the sins of his people and pleading for the restoration of Jerusalem and Israel’s imminent return to their land. […]

The post The End of the Age: From Firstfruits to Hanukkah :: By Randy Nettles appeared first on Rapture Ready.

Request for parallels between Psalms and Proverbs

Request for parallels between Psalms and Proverbs

Can someone either post themselves or give me a link to a somewhat detailed comparison between Psalms and Proverbs where fairly word for word parallels are found?
I am looking for all the instances where the author of a Proverb cites a Psa…