
Paul Within Judaism

Paul Within Judaism

Find out more about Mark Nanos HERERead his book Paul Within JudaismListen to the full round table talk called Paul and “Works of the Law” HEREEnroll in the course Jewish Apostle Paul II or in All Israel will Be SavedFind out how you can get t…

Staying Within Proper Theological Boundaries

Staying Within Proper Theological Boundaries

In the formative years of the Christian Ekklēsia (“Church”)1 synods (councils) were convened in response to doctrinal controversies and other matters needing refinement. Those synods gaining acceptance in the Ekklēsia at large became known as ecumeni…

10 Reasons I Would Seek to Raise Up Staff within My Church

10 Reasons I Would Seek to Raise Up Staff within My Church

More and more churches are deciding to raise up staff from within their congregation. While I wondered about that direction when it first began to gain steam, I have come to see the value of it. Here are 10 reasons I encourage you to consider this opti…

10 Reasons I Would Seek to Raise Up Staff within My Church

10 Reasons I Would Seek to Raise Up Staff within My Church

More and more churches are deciding to raise up staff from within their congregation. While I wondered about that direction when it first began to gain steam, I have come to see the value of it. Here are 10 reasons I encourage you to consider this opti…