How old was Mary at Christmas?
How old was Mary at Christmas?
How old was Mary at Christmas?
END TIME SAINTS !!! And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which…
At John 20:28, Thomas famously exclaims
"My Lord and my God!"
This could be translated in different ways. In particular, ‘Lord’ is ambiguous (Adonai or Adoni?) and ‘God’ is ambiguous (God or god?)
"My LORD (= Adonai in Hebre…
This was a shock to many people – and it’s on an ancient synagogue. However, wait to you hear Perry’s explanation! #perrystone #prophecy #mannafest…
Exodus 14:20 …and it was a cloud and darkness [to Egyptians], but it gave light by night [to Israel]: so that the one came…
«Antièkstremistskie» the laws enacted recently in the Parliament and is reminiscent of similar norms adopted by the Russian State Duma, have triggered yesterday’s rioting…