
Vengeance Is Not for Us, Rejoicing Is.

Vengeance Is Not for Us, Rejoicing Is.

As the times grow ever more, uh, ‘challenging’, take time to reflect. Like medicine for the soul, reading and reflecting upon the Psalms can have a calming effect. It can be cathartic. I’m sure it was for David as he was writing at least some of his. T…

Vengeance Cometh – Make Room :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

Vengeance Cometh – Make Room :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

*There is a special message at the end of this article.* The signs of the times clearly indicate the Day of the Lord is fast approaching. During this fateful time, great judgment (vengeance) will befall all who reject Christ. God has made it abundantly clear that He is fully capable of meting out this vengeance […]

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