
Toxic Traditions :: By Edwin Tan

Toxic Traditions :: By Edwin Tan

Some of us still have quite a bit of baggage from our heathen past to contend with after giving our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Traditions handed down from our ancestors are part and parcel of this unwelcome package. For those who walk in the Living Word, the enabling and empowerment of the Holy […]

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That Pointless Pushback :: By Edwin Tan

That Pointless Pushback :: By Edwin Tan

For a considerable period of time, that cabal of evil elitists has yielded much success in their nefarious pursuits. For the unschooled spectator, the World Economic Forum would look like a respectable non-governmental organization with decent objectives for the benefit of the human race. The ‘you will own nothing and be happy’ tagline could be […]

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Replace And Be Permanently Erased :: By Edwin Tan

Replace And Be Permanently Erased :: By Edwin Tan

Replacement theology has a huge following; roughly one billion people around the world subscribe to this unbiblical doctrine – one-tenth of this number are Americans. It is all about a brand of Christianity minus the mention of Israel and Jewry in their teachings. If there is any talk of God’s chosen people in their sermons […]

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Disconnected, a Loner, & Loving It :: By Edwin Tan

Disconnected, a Loner, & Loving It :: By Edwin Tan

As I continue on the path less traveled, a song that marked my first year in school resonates within the confines of my cerebral cortex. Walking with Jesus, Walking every day, walking all the way. Walking with Jesus, Walking with Jesus alone. Walking in the sunshine, Walking in the shadows, Walking every day, walking all […]

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More than Just a Candle in the Wind :: By Edwin Tan

More than Just a Candle in the Wind :: By Edwin Tan

Ideology has been and still is the devil’s sledgehammer of torment against the Body of Believers. Totalitarian regimes base their actions against specific groups of individuals that run counter to their ideology. The woke ideology has, of late, been the driving force behind the persecution of people who stick to the inerrant Word of God. […]

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Santa Staleness :: By Edwin Tan

Santa Staleness :: By Edwin Tan

My one and only trip to Israel had more than a profound effect on my present-day psyche. It might have been three decades ago, but there is more than a lingering aftertaste. It happened smack in the last fortnight of the year. Surprisingly absent were the familiar sights and sounds of the Christmas most people […]

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Pigeon-Hole Practice :: By Edwin Tan

Pigeon-Hole Practice :: By Edwin Tan

“Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked” (Revelation 3:17). Present-day churches have quite an intricate structure which is very much the case in large secular corporations. Order must be in the house of worship, but when […]

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Bootleg Revival :: By Edwin Tan

Bootleg Revival :: By Edwin Tan

Despite the spiritual darkness that is ongoing and seemingly ceaseless, there are certain voices calling out for a revival across the globe. Great! But is there any understanding of what qualifies as a revival in the context of walking with Christ? “If My people who are called by my Name will humble themselves, and pray […]

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