
Signs of the Times: Part 3 – No Signs of the Rapture :: By Paul J. Scharf

Signs of the Times: Part 3 – No Signs of the Rapture :: By Paul J. Scharf

In our culture, it’s become the proverbial fifth wheel of holidays. Really, we don’t even celebrate it anymore. It used to be that we would pause for much of the day—to feast, spend time with our families, and, yes, to watch football … but, most importantly, to worship and give thanks. But sadly, those days […]

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Two Years Later: Where Are We Now? Part 7 :: By Paul J. Scharf

Two Years Later: Where Are We Now? Part 7 :: By Paul J. Scharf

Are you and your ministry prepared for the next crisis that will inevitably flow from these “perilous times” in which we live, “in the last days” (2 Tim. 3:1)? SermonAudio is preparing—which will allow all of its broadcasters to be better suited for the next cultural calamity, whatever that may be. The company is building […]

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Without Faith :: By Paul J. Scharf

Without Faith :: By Paul J. Scharf

During my time as a student at Faith Baptist Theological Seminary, I learned that there was an old youth pastor’s joke, built on a misuse of Heb. 11:6. The verse states: “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently […]

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What Makes a Ministry Appealing? Part 2 :: By Paul J. Scharf

What Makes a Ministry Appealing? Part 2 :: By Paul J. Scharf

In the previous installment, I began building upon a statement by my professor of systematic theology at Faith Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. Myron J. Houghton. Basing his thoughts on 2 Cor. 2:15-16, Dr. Houghton stated: “Your ministry is like a fragrance. It will attract some, and it will repel others.” We are considering here some […]

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Making Thanksgiving Real, Part 2 :: By Paul J. Scharf

Making Thanksgiving Real, Part 2 :: By Paul J. Scharf

In our quest to make Thanksgiving real, we left off by thinking about ways to ground our Thanksgiving in Scripture, following the example of the very Pilgrims who left this treasure as a heritage to our entire nation. The next challenge I would offer is to ground our Thanksgiving in history—primarily the history of these […]

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Little-Known Prophecies of Christmas, Pt 3: Genesis 17:19 :: By Paul J. Scharf

Little-Known Prophecies of Christmas, Pt 3: Genesis 17:19 :: By Paul J. Scharf

The Messiah was a descendant of Abraham. More than that, we considered last time how He was, in fact, promised within the covenant that God made with Abram (Gen. 12:1-3). According to the Apostle Paul in Gal. 3:16 and 19, He is the ultimate recipient of that covenant! Our Savior Jesus Christ is finally the […]

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Little-Known Prophecies of Christmas, Pt 2: Genesis 12:7 :: By Paul J. Scharf

Little-Known Prophecies of Christmas, Pt 2: Genesis 12:7 :: By Paul J. Scharf

Last time, we saw how the very first promise of the Messiah proclaimed Him to be the “Seed” of the woman (Gen. 3:15). But before we can go any further into understanding the characteristics of this coming Savior, we certainly must realize that He was also to be the “Seed” of “Abraham” (Gal. 3:16). During […]

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Daniel: Revealer of Secrets, Part 1 :: By Paul J. Scharf

Daniel: Revealer of Secrets, Part 1 :: By Paul J. Scharf

I have a friend and counselor in ancient Babylon. I have turned to him countless times for wisdom, strength and direction. In fact, he has foreseen the future and has instructed me carefully regarding “days yet to come” (Dan. 10:14). I am always amazed at his dedication, courage, faithfulness and prayerfulness. What an example he […]

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