
Staying Within Proper Theological Boundaries

Staying Within Proper Theological Boundaries

In the formative years of the Christian Ekklēsia (“Church”)1 synods (councils) were convened in response to doctrinal controversies and other matters needing refinement. Those synods gaining acceptance in the Ekklēsia at large became known as ecumeni…

“By Your Pharmakeia Were All the Nations Misled”

“By Your Pharmakeia Were All the Nations Misled”

[See Part II] In Scripture, as in all literature, a word takes on meaning only in its specific context. But sometimes the immediate context (sentence, paragraph) does not shed enough light to provide precise meaning. In such instances, broadening the s…

Salvation and God’s Sovereignty :: By The Gospelist

Salvation and God’s Sovereignty :: By The Gospelist

There is an ongoing controversy in Christian circles regarding the role Christians play in their own salvation. There are those who say that the Christian plays no role in God’s plan of redemption. They assert that to make such a claim interferes with God’s sovereignty and gives the Christian reason to boast. They often further […]

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Mark 16:16 – Salvation and Baptism :: By Mark A. Becker

Mark 16:16 – Salvation and Baptism :: By Mark A. Becker

Introduction Recently, I had an email exchange with an individual that began with them saying that dispensationalism isn’t Biblical. I showed them what true dispensationalism was and how and why it was Biblical. Next, they referenced Mark 16:16 and stated that baptism was essential for salvation and that they had never seen anyone from Rapture Ready ever […]

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God’s Assurance of Salvation

God’s Assurance of Salvation

God’s Assurance of Salvation “I give them Eternal Life, and they will never die, and no one can steal them out of My Hand.”…

Understanding Our Salvation

Understanding Our Salvation

UNDERSTANDING OUR SALVATION·- Ray E Horton Many Christians are taught that salvation is a process and not a one-time event, and, scripturally, in one…

Understanding Salvation

Understanding Salvation

UNDERSTANDING SALVATION – Ray E Horton [We are all called to be ministers of reconciliation between God and man, laborers in the harvest field,…