
Victory Through Sorrow: Easter Message, Part 2 :: By Ron Ferguson

Victory Through Sorrow: Easter Message, Part 2 :: By Ron Ferguson

We will continue this three-part series on the Easter Message from a poem of mine. Today, we will look at the thoughts derived from the next 11 stanzas. The material in the poem comes from the following scriptures: Psalm 22 Psalm 69 Isaiah 52 and 53 The Gospel accounts of the betrayal night and the […]

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Satan’s Origin, Influence, and Activity Today :: By Ron Ferguson

Satan’s Origin, Influence, and Activity Today :: By Ron Ferguson

[A]. THE FACE OF SATAN Have you seen the face of Satan? No, I don’t expect you have, nor will you, but Jesus has. He knew the anointed cherub because He created him. He knew him when he was perfect in all his ways. Some don’t acknowledge the Ezekiel passage as relating to Lucifer/Satan, but […]

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Four People Crucified at Calvary: Easter Message :: By Ron Ferguson

Four People Crucified at Calvary: Easter Message :: By Ron Ferguson

Throughout the world, in nearly every Easter message, you will hear the words Calvary and crucified. You will probably also hear the words “cross, Jesus of Nazareth, thieves, Pilate, resurrection,” and several others. I will be using some of those terms today. ONE VERY EVIL MAN Esther 7:9-10 “Then Harbonah, one of the eunuchs who […]

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Victory Through Sorrow: Easter Message, Part 3 :: By Ron Ferguson

Victory Through Sorrow: Easter Message, Part 3 :: By Ron Ferguson

This message will bring to an end our consideration of the events at Calvary, relying on details from Isaiah 53, Psalm 22, Psalm 69, and the Gospels. I have based the messages on my poem called “Victory Through Sorrow’s Deep Sea.” “Let Me not be swallowed by the deep. Dishonour has covered My face; And […]

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Liberal Theology in the Churches Today: Part 1 :: By Ron Ferguson

Liberal Theology in the Churches Today: Part 1 :: By Ron Ferguson

We recently were on a cruise from Australia to New Zealand, and it was a blessing to have met on that cruise a reader of Rapture Ready. That is the first one I have met. ————————————————————————————————————————— I am finding more and more that there is a decay in biblical standards and the theology of the […]

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Liberal Theology in the Churches: Part 2 :: By Ron Ferguson

Liberal Theology in the Churches: Part 2 :: By Ron Ferguson

Liberal Theology in the Churches: Part 2 :: By Ron Ferguson Section 3: The Elements of Liberalism (I am presenting some thoughts on this subject, helped by some excellent material by Matt Slick, founder of CARM, the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. I have used some wide quotations from Matt Slick, one of the best […]

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Delusion Feasts Off Lies Like Maggots in Garbage :: By Ron Ferguson

Delusion Feasts Off Lies Like Maggots in Garbage :: By Ron Ferguson

I want to revisit this important subject of delusion mainly because it grows worse, and like a vortex, it is sucking more and more people into it. The end of the Church age is going to see a great increase in deceivers and imposters as promised by God through Paul – 2Timothy 3:13, “Evil men […]

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Liberal Theology in the Churches: Part 4 :: By Ron Ferguson

Liberal Theology in the Churches: Part 4 :: By Ron Ferguson

This small series continues with the 4th address in Liberal Theology. OPENING UP SOME ELEMENTS OF LIBERAL THEOLOGY – MY UNDERSTANDING OF SOME COMPONENTS OF LIBERAL THEOLOGY: EXPLANATION In 2015 I had the request to address a group in Boston, England, on Liberal Theology which was starting to gain inroads in the Methodist Church structure […]

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Victory Through Sorrow: Easter Message, Part 1 :: By Ron Ferguson

Victory Through Sorrow: Easter Message, Part 1 :: By Ron Ferguson

The following poem is one of mine I did for Easter 2022, but each stanza comes from one of the following sources: Psalm 22 Psalm 69 Isaiah 52 and 53 The Gospel accounts of the betrayal night and the crucifixion. This is how I did it, the method I followed for the message/sermon when it […]

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In The Last Days: Where on Earth Are We Heading? :: By Ron Ferguson

In The Last Days: Where on Earth Are We Heading? :: By Ron Ferguson

This is a biblical term found four times in the New Testament in the NASB. Only two of these will concern us in this message. They are: 2Timothy 3:1 “Realize this, that IN THE LAST DAYS difficult times will come.” And 2Peter 3:3 “Know this first of all, that IN THE LAST DAYS mockers will […]

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