
Psalms of Ascent 120-134

Psalms of Ascent 120-134

This video completes my series of messages on “Going Deeper in Worship: From the Outer Court to the Holy of Holies.” In this video…

Is the Law eternal?

Is the Law eternal?

I was having a conversation with an orthodox Jew over on Code Golf SE on whether Christians still need to follow the Law or not. After bringing up a few verses on the subject, he brought up Psalm 119:160:

All your words are true; all your…

Vengeance Is Not for Us, Rejoicing Is.

Vengeance Is Not for Us, Rejoicing Is.

As the times grow ever more, uh, ‘challenging’, take time to reflect. Like medicine for the soul, reading and reflecting upon the Psalms can have a calming effect. It can be cathartic. I’m sure it was for David as he was writing at least some of his. T…

What are the strophes of Psalm 37?

What are the strophes of Psalm 37?

I’m reading VanGemeren’s commentary about Psalms. He says that Psalm 37 is an alphabetic acrostic organized in 22 strophes, which seems not to follow a logical progression of thought. I wonder what verses compose each strophe.

Request for parallels between Psalms and Proverbs

Request for parallels between Psalms and Proverbs

Can someone either post themselves or give me a link to a somewhat detailed comparison between Psalms and Proverbs where fairly word for word parallels are found?
I am looking for all the instances where the author of a Proverb cites a Psa…

Is Psalm 2 referencing the Tower of Babel?

Is Psalm 2 referencing the Tower of Babel?

“Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying, “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cor…

Does Jesus misquote Psalm 8:2?

Does Jesus misquote Psalm 8:2?

But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things
that he did, and the children crying out in the temple, “Hosanna to
the son of David!” they were indignant, and they said to him, “Do you
hear what these are sayi…

Psalms in Second Temple Communities

Psalms in Second Temple Communities

Why are there so many copies of Psalms in the Dead Sea Scrolls? What roll did the psalms play in Second Temple Judaism? Dr. Schaser takes us through how the Psalms were used by different Second Temple Jewish groups. We also have time at the en…

Torah, Psalms, and Emotions

Torah, Psalms, and Emotions

Enroll in The Hebrew Psalms at: out how you can get this and many other courses with one small monthly subscription at: https://israelbiblecenter.comStay connected with IBC …