
Counting Pentecostals Worldwide

Counting Pentecostals Worldwide

PNEUMA 36 (2014) 265–288 Counting Pentecostals Worldwide Todd M. Johnson Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts Abstract Demographics on national, regional, and global…

How Early Pentecostals Rescued Women from Human Trafficking

How Early Pentecostals Rescued Women from Human Trafficking

The month of January is Human Trafficking Awareness month. This terrible social evil has been more prominent in our social consciousness in recent decades, but early Pentecostals were at the forefront of bringing attention to this issue as early as 190…

Pentecostals And Social Ethics

Pentecostals And Social Ethics

103 Pentecostals and Social Ethics Revivalism and Social Reform (Abingdon, 1957) was a book borne out of a 1955 prize-winning essay written by a…