Explain our deeds justify us?
Explain to me, how our deeds justify us? Its Trust in Yeshua and in His grace. Yet we know that a person is set…
Explain to me, how our deeds justify us? Its Trust in Yeshua and in His grace. Yet we know that a person is set…
(There is a special message at the end of this article for those who might happen to read this and do not have Jesus in their life and are looking for peace and a way to better understand the present-day insanity and confusion.) Recorded in God’s Word is an account of the command by the […]
The post Permeating Nature of Evil and Our “elections”:: By Dave Hubley appeared first on Rapture Ready.
Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching on the weapons of the believer’s warfare. This is the third in a series of teachings from…
When I was young, Christmas was about Christ. I sang in a church choir, and we began practicing our Christmas songs long before December. When I was in the eighth grade, my teacher made arrangements for the class to be dismissed from school to walk around the small town in which I lived and sing […]
The post Sing Praises to Our King :: By Nathele Graham appeared first on Rapture Ready.
I wish I could say that I was one of those smart kids who always loved history. Yet, in one sense, I guess that I did—although perhaps without realizing it. I was always enthralled with old black-and-white television shows that whisked me to an earlier time that seemed both simpler and, yet, exhilarating. I found […]
The post ‘Written for Our Learning’ :: By Paul J. Scharf appeared first on Rapture Ready.
How can Americans, and American Christians in particular, work toward a more comprehensive and equitable national narrative for all? The exclusivist aspects of the core narratives that have defined the United States make clear that we need a new narrat…
Hebrews 8:7-13 “For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second. 8 Because finding fault with them, He says: ‘Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah— 9 […]
The post Hebrews Study: New Covenant Written in Our Hearts :: By Sean Gooding appeared first on Rapture Ready.
Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching on the weapons of the believer’s warfare. This is the fourth in a series of teachings from…
Most people have never thought about this. I didn’t until I had this dream. #perrystone #prophecy #mannafest Perry Stone or anyone from our ministry…
Before I truly asked Jesus to be my Savior and to forgive my sins about 35 years ago, my lifestyle was much like that of a lot of people today who believe they are going to Heaven just because they believe Jesus is real. James 2:19 states, “You believe that God is one; you do […]
The post Our God Truly Loves Us :: By Dennis Huebshman appeared first on Rapture Ready.
Hebrews 8:1-6 “Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, 2 a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man. 3 […]
The post Hebrews Study: Jesus, Our Mediator :: By Sean Gooding appeared first on Rapture Ready.
Luke 14:13
But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled (ἀναπήρος), the lame (χωλός), the blind…
The word ἀναπήρος is a unique word in the NT (it is only used by Luke, and only twice by him in this passage). I have not been…