
“By Your Pharmakeia Were All the Nations Misled”

“By Your Pharmakeia Were All the Nations Misled”

[See Part II] In Scripture, as in all literature, a word takes on meaning only in its specific context. But sometimes the immediate context (sentence, paragraph) does not shed enough light to provide precise meaning. In such instances, broadening the s…

All You Nations: Author Anonymous :: Shared By Rick Segoine

All You Nations: Author Anonymous :: Shared By Rick Segoine

Repent of your wickedness, all nations of this modern world; the 21st century has swung its doors wide open. All of you who despise God’s chosen, dress yourselves in sackcloth and pour ashes on your heads and beg forgiveness from the Holy One of Israel… You who shed the blood of the innocent in Jerusalem… […]

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Which nation needs prayer the MOST today? Which nation will YOU pray for today? Which nation will tell YOUR CHURCH to pray for today?